Neptune in Taurus, Neptune in the 8th House

Neptune in Taurus ♉︎

Last Transit: 1874-1889

Neptune in Taurus in the natal chart brings an innate artistic quality to the individuals born during this time. There is an undeniable desire to build up cities, concepts, and culture through the arts. The things one surrounds oneself with are important symbols of status and glamour. Neptune in Taurus individuals have a longing to possess what they do not have, something intangible, or unobtainable. They are seduced by beauty and the promise of fulfilling a need through having.

There is a truth that needs to be explored through Neptune in Taurus. A disillusionment needs to be take place in which the person realizes no amount of possessions, belongings, or values brings the fulfillment they are looking for. The Neptune in Taurus generation is striving toward self-worth and acceptance. They are looking for the people and aspects of life that bring nurturing and pleasure through integrity.

There may be periods throughout life that lead to a destabilization of your world view and security. Neptune in Taurus lifts the veils you hide behind. It brings to your awareness what can actually give you a sense of security, providing you with everything you need and nothing more.

Neptune in the 8th House

Keywords: The keywords associated with the 8th house include death, transformation, secrets, mystery, macabre, shared finances or resources, legacies, taxes, owed money, uncovered trauma, healing, and psychology. 

Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house.

The meaning of the 8th house has evolved significantly over time. Traditionally this house was associated with taxes, legacies, and shared resources. It is believed that due to its associations with legacies and inheritance this has contributed to the modern 8th house associations with death. Beyond the literal definition of death, it can also represent transformation, cycles of life, and major life endings/beginnings.

The perspective of the 8th house is broad and psychologically based in most modern astrological interpretations. It symbolizes how you relate to others on a deeply emotional level. This house is associated with secrets but also shared resources and taxes.

Trying to relate all of these themes together is what gives the 8th house is intense mystery. When you are working in the 8th house you are often working through some kind of emotional trauma. How you relate to the life, death, and sharing your experiences and resources with another are all 8th house endeavors.