Neptune in Sagittarius, Neptune in the 5th House

Neptune in Sagittarius ♐︎

Last Transit: Years 1971-1984

Neptune in Sagittarius is a very powerful location in the natal chart. This placement lends individuals a sense of idealism needed to dream up the futures they want to create. Neptune is not very active when transiting through Sagittarius but does allow for unimaginable ideas and solutions to be conceived for society. You will often find yourself in long daydreams, fantasizing about what life could be. This tendency is what drives you towards achieving your goals.

Neptune in Sagittarius individuals have their awakening from the illusion of reality when they realize they are working for a system they are fighting to change. You may go through many periods in your life where you have to change loyalty after discovering the people you surrounded yourself with do not possess the integrity you thought them to have. This placement is giving you an opportunity to let go of the need for leadership or for anyone to tell you what to do. You will become the leader and can be your own authority.

Neptune in Sagittarius individuals often want to create an environment for free thinkers even if it results in controversy. You often get upset at the systems that control society, operating through a sometimes mislead sense of rebellion.

Neptune in the 5th House

Keywords: The keywords associated with the 5th house include love affairs, romance, sex, sexuality, creativity, art, dating, play, playfulness, children, spontaneity, fun, diversity, and the spotlight.

Succedent House Type: The Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Leo is the fixed fire sign ruling the 5th house.

The 5th house in astrology is symbolic of creativity, sexuality, and children. The reason all of these themes come together in the 5th house is due to the fact that they all of them are related to making or creating something outside of oneself. Creativity brings forth something new and imaginative. Your relationship to sexuality or how you express your sexuality can be a creative act or viewed as the reproductive act that creates babies.

Having an emphasis of planets or lack of planets in the 5th house speaks more to what you make and create in life and less literally to how many children you will or will not have. When you are playing in the 5th house it is all about finding your creative spark, what enlivens you, and how you can bring your true identity forward. The focus of the 5th house is what unique experience do you want to share with others, what makes you special. The 5th house is also associated with affairs, flings, and romance due to the playful and often spontaneous nature of this area of the chart.