Neptune in Aquarius, Ascendent in Aquarius (Aquarius Rising)

Neptune in Aquarius ♒︎

Last Transit: Years 1998-2011

Neptune in Aquarius in the natal chart generation is bringing a sense of unity to society and connecting people to their identities in new and innovative ways. For example, during this time society has seen the rise in technology, online profiles, and the ability to reinvent yourself constantly through social media. Neptune in Aquarius individuals have a longing for a future where people are not only free to be themselves but our wholly accepted by society. 

You are helping society as a collective understand the value in unique self expression and how it contributes to the group overall. You are often attached to different movements and trends that have a humanitarian cause behind them. The Neptune in Aquarius generation is helping bring awareness to major societal issues and will be responsible for introducing ideas to society to simplify processes, reduce waste, and create a global world. 

This generation has a longing to realize their dreams but will often be thwarted by the various power structures in place. The key here is to have stamina and keep trying your imaginative approaches even if that means a complete re-do of some of the systems already in place. Neptune in Aquarius is extremely artistic, musically talented, and highly tuned connected to the mind of artificial intelligence.

Aquarius ♒︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Ankles & Circulatory System 

Chart Ruling Planet: Uranus & Saturn

The Aquarius Ascendent or Rising sign in the natal chart represents electricity running through your body and can give you an overall extraterrestrial type of appearance. You want to appear intelligent and prefer for people to see you for your brilliant mind before your body type. 

Style: The Aquarius Rising style is going to be rebellious in nature. You want to express yourself by having a unique look, most importantly to make a statement. To others you appear quirky and quite futuristic. You do not shy away from neon, facial piercings, or brightly colored hair. You may have glasses or other “geeky” types of style accouterments to adorn yourself with. Holding a book, smartphone, or tech gadgets marks your style.  

Talents: You are very skilled in helping others. Your calm and collected nature allow you to make rational decisions for the best outcomes. Other people will really look to you for answers as they appreciate your neutral tone. As an Aquarius Ascendent you will also have a tendency to be highly creative. You can use these talents for stunning feats of engineering, art, or other technology projects. There is visionary talent to your vibe and personality.