Moon in Virgo Compatibility

This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky, it affects
our behavior, it affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator for many people
all around the world informing when to garden, the weather, even serving as a guide
to several animals. For centuries people have used the moon to predict many events as
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re probably
wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past. Every
emotion you’ve felt in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even
have you instinctively react or respond differently. The Moon is a great indicator of
how you protect yourself and what is it that you need to feel secure and heal
emotionally. The Moon in a natal chart also represents the mother figure and how
nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to understand if you
are compatible or not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Virgo at the exact moment you were born, then you may relate to
the following description
Moon in Virgo
You are very cautious and calculative; you praise what is practical and you are always
curious about the logic behind several things. Needing to have everything perfect
leads you to be very nervous and you worry a lot about minor details.
Since you are always on the hunt for perfection you are also very hard to please. You
are a great communicator and you criticize always with good intention. You enjoy
teaching and showing how things should be done.
Moon Compatibility
Virgo Moon and Aries Moon
This combination will not work out very well!
Virgo does not understand Aries’s impulsive ways and before doing anything a Virgo
will need to think and analyze while Aries just wants to take the leap of faith.

Aries is also not a fan of Virgo’s criticism and will be easily offended by it. Aries
energy is way too aggressive for a Virgo to handle and will not contribute to a Virgo’s
well being nor needs.
Virgo Moon and Taurus Moon
It is a match! Virgo enjoys Taurus’s company and peaceful energy. Both signs are very
cautious and don’t like sudden changes before thinking, both signs also enjoy what’s
practical and are very hard workers. These signs are also known to be very loyal.
Taurus’s laziness can annoy a Virgo sometimes, however, these two solve issues very
Virgo Moon and Gemini Moon
Both signs ruled by Mercury, you would think that it’d be a very nice match; however,
it isn’t.
Gemini is more focused on having fun, joking around, playing games while Virgo
does not enjoy Gemini’s lack of “discipline”. Gemini’s are easily bored by Virgo’s
lifestyle, and Virgo feels anxious about Gemini’s hyper energy.
Virgo Moon and Cancer Moon
A Cancer Moon will appreciate Virgo’s need for perfection and hard work.
Virgo’s aren’t the greatest people at giving affection they show they care about
someone by being useful and helpful, it’s almost as if they’re ashamed to show it,
however, Cancers are very understanding people and understand why Virgo is like
this. On the other hand, Cancer does also need to feel appreciated and loved which
Virgo does have a hard time showing sometimes because it is too busy taking care of
other things.
Despite this, both connect very well.
Virgo Moon and Leo Moon
Leo moon will easily be offended by a Virgo’s criticism and will not understand that
Virgo is coming from a good place when doing so. Leo will not appreciate Virgo’s
need to be very calculative, difficulty in having fun, and letting go of things that just
worry Virgo.
Virgo Moon and Virgo Moon

Identical energy can work out very well; however, you might find it a struggle at a
time when both are annoyed or picking at minor things, besides this, both are
hardworking and think and feel similar ways. Both are very loyal and very practical
which is great!
Virgo Moon and Libra Moon
Libra praises a peaceful environment and very much inclined to affection and
romanticism, Virgo is always looking for ways on how to be useful and can be very
picky and always nagging at times, Libra will not understand Virgo’s intention (which
does come from a good place) and will see this as a way of unbalancing its the
environment. This combination can work out, but it will take a lot of work to do so.
Virgo Moon and Scorpio Moon
Although Scorpio’s dark and intense feelings are very different from Virgo, both get
along very well. Both signs need to be useful and enjoy helping one another. Virgo
might have a hard time understanding Scorpio’s jealous and overprotective ways;
however, Virgo is very loyal and is great at showing so, Scorpio will feel stable with
Virgo’s energy. Despite Virgo not feeling emotions like a Scorpio, Scorpio’s energy
will attract a Virgo for that same reason.
Virgo Moon and Sagittarius Moon
This will not work out well for several reasons.
Virgo’s praise what is organized and practical, they enjoy routine and everything to
them has to have a logic. While Sagittarius does not overthink and always look at the
bright side of things, while Virgo will have a tendency of bringing Sagittarius’s spirit
down by being a pessimist.
Virgo will plan everything accordingly, while a Sagittarius will want to have an
adventure without doing so.
Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon
You match very well!
Both have fear of failing and will do everything possible to not do so. Both signs are
very disciplined and organized and hate to be in the “spotlight” but need to be useful
and to have personal satisfaction through hard work. Both also need to feel protected
and stabile, Capricorn will certainly feel that there is no need to protect a Virgo since
it has a great way of showing how loyal it is, while Capricorn will enjoy Virgo’s
constructive criticism as well. Both signs are very dedicated to working towards each

Virgo Moon and Aquarius Moon
Not a match!
Virgo will not understand Aquarius’s rebel side and need for innovative things, and
Aquarius does not understand Virgo’s need for routine and stability, as well as, Virgo’s
criticism. Both have different interests.

Virgo Moon and Pisces Moon
Virgo is attracted to Pisces empathetic and acceptance, and Pisces is attracted to
Virgo’s discipline and perfectionist, turning these two into a great combination!
Although Pisces is very imaginative and not so logical and calculative as Virgo, it
does appreciate Virgo’s criticism (when Virgo communicates it the right way). Pisces
also helps Virgo be in tune with its feelings and accepts Virgo’s way of showing it.