Moon in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer

Taurus ♉︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

If you were born while the Moon was in Taurus then you have a predisposition to indulgences and sensuality. Your Moon sign is focused on sex and sexuality. Your instincts tend towards using your body to sense, feel, and understand the world better. As a Taurus Moon you desire comfort and typically make a point to take good care of yourself.

Element: Your Moon sign’s element is earth. As an earth Moon you are very grounded and in touch with your body. You need to feel secure and place a high value on quality. You like material security, not in a shallow way, but in an appreciative way. You are able to recognize beauty and craftsman in the physical world.

Mood: As a Taurus Moon you tend to maintain a relatively good mood. Due to the fact that you place such a high priority on taking care of your needs you rarely over extend yourself. Definitely a hard worker you have a natural stamina to keep going and appear to have more endurance than those around you.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: The Taurus Moon can be nurtured by taking care of your body. This can include long hot baths, comfort foods, massages, and other forms of self care.

Mercury in Cancer ♋︎ in the Natal Chart

Mercury in Cancer in the natal chart gives the individual an emotional and sensitive way of communicating. You tend towards sentimentalism with deep ties to remnants of the past, your familial history, and nostalgia. This placement tends to give the person a love antiques or be the collector of family heirlooms. People with this placement often have extensive collections of obscure objects.

You think with emotions processing everything through this mental pathway. Mercury in Cancer individuals are exceedingly gracious and approachable. There is a tendency to worry or perseverate when it comes to social interactions. You appreciate socializing with others and having a good time but require ample amounts of alone time as well to explore your inner imagination. As your mind is often very busy it is important to retreat when needed.

Mercury in Cancer is poetic and does not mind exploring tragic love stories or listening to sad songs. You enjoy having an outlet for your emotional excess and feel a sense of comrade with the archetype of the starving artist. This placement gives you the ability to communicate with anybody making you adaptable and very likable. Other’s will most likely desire being around you for your kindness and nonjudgemental personality.

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