Moon in Taurus Compatibility

This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky, it affects our
behavior, it affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator for many people all around
the world informing when to garden, the weather, even serving as a guide to several
animals. For centuries people have used the moon to predict many events as well.
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re probably
wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past. Every emotion
you’ve felt in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even have you
instinctively react or respond differently. The Moon is a great indicator of how you protect
yourself and what is it that you need to feel secure and heal emotionally. The Moon in a
natal chart also represents the mother figure and how nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to understand if you are
compatible or not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Taurus at the exact moment you were born, then you may relate to the
following description.
Moon in Taurus
It is no secret that you are known for your stubbornness which can drive someone crazy. You
feel the need to feel comfortable and you resist changing many times. This can lead you into
being your own worst enemy several times, however, on the other hand, you have a warm
heart and you crave security and peace.
You enjoy providing for the ones you love and you have a hard time of letting go what no
longer benefits you.
Many seek you for your healing, calm and patient energy. You don’t enjoy conflict and praise
the privacy of your own personal life.
You enjoy giving affection to those you love and you love to kiss and hug.
You are not impulsive, however, you can be overprotective of those you love leading you to
stalk people for a while.
Since you are a fixed sign, it is very hard to change your point of view especially when your
mind is made. As mentioned before, you also resist transitions and don’t enjoy changing
your daily routine. For you, the keywords to a great life are: Peace, Stability, and.. Food
The following descriptions can assist you with understanding with you you will emotionally
connect better with; however, other aspects of the natal chart can assist in figuring out if
you and another person is compatible as well.
Taurus Moon with Aries Moon
 Aries Moon has a hard time showing vulnerability and is very impatient, feeling the need to
immediately take action and change whatever they believe needs to be changed. Taurus
Moon will not work well with the thought of that.

Both signs can be very stubborn and be at conflict. Aries ruled by the planet of war- Mars.
Will have no problem with wasting energy is arguing; however, Taurus will not be attracted
by this.
Taurus Moon with Taurus Moon
The only challenge with this combination is both being stubborn, however, if one of these is
willing to let go this can actually work out very well.
Both have similar needs of feeling stable, both can enjoy time together, understand each
other and are very loyal to one another.
Taurus Moon with Gemini Moon
Gemini has very active energy, they need to communicate very often and feel bored easily.
Gemini also has a hard time compromising and with the same routines.
Taurus will not understand Gemini’s need to be in a relationship, but to feel free of changing
whatever it feels like changing or doing.
While Taurus is more affectionate, Gemini has it’s the way with words rather than giving
physical affection leading Taurus to feel a lack of satisfaction in this relationship.
Taurus Moon with Cancer Moon
Both feel the need to feel secure and enjoy time at home, both are willing to give up things
in order to commit. Cancer is very nourishing which will attract Taurus as well.
Cancers aren’t a fan of inviting anything new into their lives and also praise very much their
personal life. Both signs are very protective of the ones they love and also appreciate
affection and value family above all.
The only challenge with this relationship is that Cancer can be very sensitive towards
Taurus’s stubbornness and steadiness and this can sometimes cause conflict; however, there
is a high possibility of both lunar signs working out well together, since both are willing to
collaborate and keep the family together.
Taurus Moon with Leo Moon
Leo seeks for attention and approval leading Leo to be dramatic at times, Taurus will not
lead well this since Taurus wants peace and stability. Leo is always looking for the next fun
thing to do, while Taurus wants to feel comfortable and doesn’t want to go out and do
something different.
Both signs are very affectionate, however, they’re both stubborn.
This is a very challenging combination.
Taurus Moon with Virgo Moon
Both Earth signs are very practical and seek security. Taurus enjoys the stability and
perfection of Virgo, both signs are very loyal and enjoy routine.

Virgo will have that constructive criticism that Taurus will accept and not enter in conflict
about. Virgo’s need for perfection can sometimes lead to feeling nervous and Taurus’s
energy will help Virgo heal and feel calm.
Both understand each-other since it’s hard for them to let go. Both Lunar signs are very
Taurus Moon with Libra Moon
Since both signs will want peace at all costs, that will lead them into avoiding certain items
that need to be addressed.
Both seek security and love affection, however, Libra feels the need to be
consistently shown that Taurus needs Libra, and due to Taurus ‘s laziness, Taurus can
sometimes fail at that as well.
Taurus will not be unhappy with this relationship but might feel annoyed with Libra’s need
to feel appreciated and Libra will sometimes feel a lack of satisfaction in the relationship.
With other aspects in the natal chart, this can work out well if both are willing to make an
Taurus Moon with Scorpio Moon
Scorpio lives off of very intense and deep feelings, they’re a sign of extremes and are highly
dedicated to the ones they love. Since Taurus doesn’t feel in such an intense way, Taurus
might have a hard time dealing with Scorpio’s feelings; however, they’re both very
protective which is why there is a possibility of the both working well together.
Taurus Moon with Sagittarius Moon
While Taurus is craving that comfort of being at home with family and friends, Sagittarius is
looking for the next adventure and doesn’t want to take life so seriously. Sagittarius is also
easily triggered and can have a temper very easily, which doesn’t attract Taurus.
Taurus’s need for stability is not fulfilled with Sagittarius Moon.
Taurus Moon with Capricorn Moon
Capricorn praises material security and just like Taurus is very practical.
Both signs work very well and are a fan of routine and don’t enjoy sudden changes.
Capricorn is very disciplined and will do what it can to not fail. Taurus will appreciate
Capricorn’s effort and discipline since Taurus can also use it for itself. Both signs can be
overprotective of each other.
This is such a great combination!
Taurus Moon with Aquarius Moon
While Taurus finds the joy at being at home with the ones they love, feeling secure,
providing for their family and for themselves. Aquarius finds the joy in learning what is
innovative, social life and can be very rebellious.
Taurus needs to protect and to have a stable home doesn’t mix well with Aquarius’s
Taurus Moon with Pisces Moon

Pisces is very sensitive, artistic, and very emotional and Taurus will appreciate Pisces energy.
Pisces can sometimes be very imaginative and will find the need to escape reality, however,
they do very well through art and dedicating their time to their home. Which Taurus enjoys
very much.