Moon in Scorpio Compatibility

This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky, it affects
our behavior, it affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator for many people
all around the world informing when to garden, the weather, even serving as a guide
to several animals. For centuries people have used the moon to predict many events as
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re probably
wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past. Every
emotion you’ve felt in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even
have you instinctively react or respond differently. The Moon is a great indicator of
how you protect yourself and what is it that you need to feel secure and heal
emotionally. The Moon in a natal chart also represents the mother figure and how
nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to understand if you
are compatible or not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Scorpio at the exact moment you were born, then you may relate
to the following description
You feel in such ways that others can not relate to, you are a sign of extremes,
meaning that when you love, you love with all and you give your all or you hate
someone, there is no middle term when it comes to you and your feelings.
You enjoy and do everything you can to help others, however, when betrayed you
seek revenge or treat and look to whoever did, with disgust.
You have a hard time forgiving people since you are very hard to open and trust
someone and when you do, you expect them to be loyal and trustworthy.
Moon Compatibility
Scorpio Moon and Aries Moon
When I see this combination, one word pops up in my head: WAR!
Both ruled by the planet of war, this will not work out well unless both are only
willing to be together in bed! Both signs are very suspicious and incapable of trusting
one another for the same reason. Scorpio more than Aries is very secretive and is not a
fan of Aries’s temperament.

Scorpio Moon and Taurus Moon
A Taurus is very accepting of Scorpio’s extreme feelings and has such a kindhearted
way of showing that there is no need to overreact. Taurus has that healing and calm
energy that will tone Scorpio’s energy.
Both signs are very protective and possessive at times, however, Taurus has such a
great way in showing how loyal it is to Scorpio.
Taurus may be annoyed with Scorpio’s suspicious ways; however, they will not make
such a “fuss” about it since Taurus wants to be at peace.
Scorpio Moon and Gemini Moon
No way!
Scorpios do not understand Gemini’s need to feel free and communicate with
everyone, Gemini also isn’t good with confronting Scorpio’s intense feelings since
Gemini can not relate to that as well.
Scorpios take things more seriously while Gemini has that playful and young spirit
who doesn’t want to take things so harshly.
Gemini is also good at playing tricks and games, which will result in Scorpio feeling
betrayed and brutally wounded easily.
Scorpio Moon and Cancer Moon
Cancer has the beautiful gift of accepting people with wounds and taking care of it
like a mother or father, which is exactly what Scorpio needs. Both signs connect very
well since they’re both sensitive just like their element – water. In the relationship
both need each other very much, however, Cancer is more capable of showing that
than Scorpio is.
This is a match that can work out just well!
Scorpio Moon and Leo Moon
No way!
There is no way that Scorpio will accept Leo in the spotlight, Scorpio will not want to
see the person it loves unprotected and being other people’s entertainment. Scorpio
wants to protect, and Leo is not a fan of that since Leo needs to be on “stage” to feel
good. Leo needs attention, if Leo doesn’t receive it, Leo’s self-esteem will go down the

Scorpio Moon and Virgo Moon
These two get along very well!
Both enjoy a private life and loyalty resulting in a stable relationship. Scorpio tends to
analyze and feel things in a deep matter and emotionally while Virgo does the same,
but only in a logical way. Combining the two creates a perfect match!
Scorpio Moon and Libra Moon
Scorpio is attracted to Libra’s kindness and reasonable ways; however, Libra is not a
fan of Scorpio’s jealousy. For Libra to feel well, Libra needs to communicate and
socialize while this might be seen as a threat to Scorpio. Scorpio is great at persuading
and leading Libra since it is very submissive, making the relationship unfair for a
“trapped” Libra and a “suspicious” Scorpio.
Scorpio Moon and Scorpio Moon
Of course with similar energy things can work out well.
Both understand each other and are very intuitive, both are willing to do whatever it
takes to keep each other protected. The only disadvantage is that both have a hard
time forgiving each other and can be very revengeful to one another.
Since both are very suspicious this can lead to an addictive cycle of jealousy as well.
Despite this both understand and connect emotionally very well. With time, this
addictive cycle can fade and you can learn to trust each other.
Scorpio Moon and Sagittarius Moon
Sagittarius will not understand Scorpio’s need to “trap” Sagittarius. Sagittarius needs
to feel free and go on adventures, while Scorpio needs to be very intimate with the
one it loves the most of the time, Scorpio also doesn’t feel connected to someone who
isn’t willing to understand it’s intense feelings. Sagittarius can also be very easily
triggered losing its temper often which will result in Scorpio feeling furious.
Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Moon
This might be a surprise but this is a good combination.
Capricorn feels insecure and is very disciplined. Scorpio has that deep beautiful
energy like no other and is very mysterious, but is also good at understanding another
person’s needs, secrets, and dark side. Capricorn’s dark side intrigues Scorpio, a
Capricorn is very reserved, but Scorpio is so good at investigating and is has great
intuition. Scorpio can “dig” into Capricorn’s insecurity and heal it as well. An
example of this is, Scorpio loves to have an active sexual life, while a Capricorn
might feel ashamed; however, Scorpio has its way of making Capricorn comfortable
since  Scorpio accepts Capricorn.

Scorpio Moon and Aquarius Moon
These two together are considered to be a “curse”.
To gather the most intense zodiac sign with the most emotionally detached sign will
not work at all. It is emotionally impossible to connect since Aquarius is unable to
understand Scorpio’s possessiveness and deep emotions. Scorpio will never believe
that an Aquarius is interested because it’s very detached and “cold” as ice.
Scorpio Moon and Pisces Moon
In this relationship, there is no need for words, both understand each other on such
level that it’s as if there is some telepathic communication between both of you.
Pisces has the beautiful gift of forgiving and understanding Scorpio’s outbursts and
jealousy, and just like Scorpio, Pisces enjoys being intimate, romantic, and sexual.
Both connect very well since both are very emotional and are guided through
intuition. This is the kind of couple that I picture ending their day always in a bathtub
or an intimate dark room with candles lid up.