Moon in Sagittarius Compatibility

This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky,
it affects our behavior, it affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator
for many people all around the world informing when to garden, the
weather, even serving as a guide to several animals. For centuries people
have used the moon to predict many events as well.
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re
probably wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past.
Every emotion you’ve felt in the past is registered and can create certain
blockages or even have you instinctively react or respond differently. The
Moon is a great indicator of how you protect yourself and what is it that you
need to feel secure and heal emotionally. The Moon in a natal chart also
represents the mother figure and how nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to
understand if you are compatible or not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Sagittarius at the exact moment you were born, then
you may relate to the following description
Moon in Sagittarius
You enjoy to feel free, free of plans, free of the compartment, and free of
responsibility, and no this doesn’t mean that you aren’t responsible this just
means that you hate signing any kind of contract or hanging on to anything
that can somehow make you feel “trapped”.
You have a great sense of humor, and no matter what happens in life you
have the awesome gift of seeing the bright side of things and you never lose
hope. You are good at disguising whatever is going on in your life,
especially through humor; however, you can be very transparent at times
and very brutally honest when someone offends or triggers you. You have a
tendency of losing your temper easily.
Moon Compatibility
Sagittarius Moon and Aries Moon
Both have a need to feel free and hate to be trapped, both signs can lose their
temper easily; however, Sagittarius has a great way of dealing with Aries

through its sense of humor. Aries enjoys Sagittarius’s positive energy. This
is the kind of relationship that I picture doing sports together, activities
outdoors, and playing games.
Despite both signs being easily tempered, both like to solve things on the
spot which is really good!
Sagittarius Moon and Taurus Moon
Not unless both are willing to accept differences…
Combining a sign that needs to feel secure at home with one that needs to
feel free and be outdoors, that’s easily bored and really doesn’t care much
about financial security will not result. Both have different tastes, praise, and
need completely different things. Taurus loves the warmth and coziness of
it’s home and doesn’t understand why Sag doesn’t.
Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Moon
What a great combination!
Both signs enjoy being in each other’s company since both have a great
sense of humor and don’t take things too seriously. Gemini loves to
communicate and learn, while Sagittarius loves to teach. Both signs are
curious, love to meet new people and different cultures.
Sagittarius Moon and Cancer Moon
Not really…
Cancer wants someone who needs that Cancer touch and nourishment,
Sagittarius doesn’t want someone that takes care of it, Sagittarius desires
someone who will join in unplanned adventures, who will want to get to
know what is new and who’ll love to travel, camp and be outdoors. While
Cancer wants to be the “nurse” or the “mother” who will take care of the
family and be very protective, who won’t be a fan of change and admires
Sagittarius Moon and Leo Moon
Both love to have fun together and have good energy, Leo adores
Sagittarius’s sense of humor and knowledge while Sagittarius adores Leo’s
outgoing energy and how sociable Leo also is. Leo might feel that
Sagittarius isn’t as “attached” as Leo; however, Sagittarius has such a smart
and humorous way of controlling Leo’s drama.

Sagittarius Moon and Virgo Moon
Not going to work
Combining a sign that doesn’t feel good with routine, doesn’t prioritize
organization and logic, doesn’t look at what can go wrong and literally like
to take a leap of faith with someone who has to calculate everything,
organize, have routine and is focused on self-improving itself does not
combine well.
Sagittarius Moon and Libra Moon
These two enjoy a party and are very friendly. Sagittarius is attracted to
Libra’s gift of listening and being able to communicate, balance, and
understand several points of view and Libra admires Sagittarius’s positive
Libra is always concerned with other people’s opinion while Sagittarius isn’t
aware of how it can offend others sometimes. Libra also might miss
affection from Sagittarius at times, since it isn’t always that romantic and
attached as Libra is; however, Libra is good at balancing and keeping
harmony between both.
Sagittarius Moon and Scorpio Moon
As mentioned before, Sagittarius avoids whatever makes it feel trapped and
with a controlling Scorpio, Sagittarius will feel as if freedom is conditioned.
Sagittarius is also not a fan of Scorpio’s suspicious ways.
Sagittarius’s need to communicate and “teach” doesn’t comfort a Scorpio,
resulting as a barrier between these two.
Sagittarius Moon and Sagittarius Moon
Similar energy flows well, needless to say, that both have the same interests,
taste and understand each other very well. Both are triggered easily but are
also willing to solve issues on the spot and forgive as well. Both respect
each other need to feel free, I picture these both as butterflies if they truly
love each other they will fly back to one another.

Sagittarius Moon and Capricorn Moon
Although Sagittarius can use Capricorn’s discipline and Capricorn can use
Sagittarius’s positive energy, both don’t emotionally connect well for the
same reasons. Capricorn needs to plan accordingly before doing anything,
while Sagittarius needs to take that leap of faith. Sagittarius will feel
annoyed with Capricorn’s planning and Capricorn will feel insecure with
Sagittarius’s risk-taking and non-priority for financial stability.
Sagittarius Moon and Aquarius Moon
Both get along very well since both signs enjoy traveling and learning new
things, both respect each other and understand that there is a need to be
alone sometimes giving each other the space that they need; however if both
have a different philosophical view of things, you may bud heads.
Sagittarius Moon and Pisces Moon
Sagittarius will not take Pisces sensitivity in consideration, of course, it isn’t
Sagittarius’s intention to offend Pisces, it’s just that Sagittarius doesn’t see
the bad side of things and is usually playful and loves to joke around. Pisces
also doesn’t have the same interests as Sagittarius, Sagittarius is more
focused on traveling, getting to know what’s new, philosophy and teaching
while Pisces really doesn’t hear what Sagittarius has to say and is very
imaginative, as well as, artistic.