Moon in Sagittarius, Ascendent in Taurus (Taurus Rising)

Sagittarius ♐︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

The Sagittarius Moon in the natal chart is a bit wild and will have you drawn to exploration of all kinds. This Moon indicates you have a love of travel both metaphysical and physical. You enjoy talking about various subjects that lead to an expanded sense of awareness and understanding.  

Element: The Moon of Sagittarius is associated with the fire element. This gives you a creative and action oriented disposition. You have a tendency to voice your concerns first as you are not afraid to speak your truth. You want other people to know where you stand with them. 

Mood: You have an overall optimistic mood when you have a Sagittarius Moon sign. There is a desire to get the most out of life and maintaining a positive mood keeps you in line with this goal. Some days may feel more temperamental or dramatic to you which you express freely. 

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: You can nurture your Sagittarius Moon sign by learning new things. Intellectual conversations, debates, and protests all make you come alive. You really enjoy getting wrapped up in a good conversation or involving yourself in something competitive. Your zodiac Moon sign likes to read, travel, and experience as much mind expanding consciousness as humanly possible in one lifetime.

Taurus ♉︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Throat & Vocal Tract

Chart Ruling Planet: Venus

As a Taurus Ascendent or Rising sign you have an earthy sensuality that characterizes your appearance and gives you a romantic approach to life. Taurus Rising individuals appear calm on the surface and often you cannot tell what they are thinking based on their facial expressions. People often find your speaking and singing voice hypnotic and soothing. 

Style: You are very focused on your appearance and adorning yourself. You are the most likely sign to have body piercings, wear lots of jewelry, or have tattoos. One of the ways you express your artistic nature is through clothes and personal style. This is very important to you as a Taurus Rising. You are also very concerned with the comfort and feel of you clothes. Always looking put together you easily create outfits that are both comfortable and creative looking. 

Talent: Taurus Risings tend to be introverted on the surface. You are highly perceptive of your environment and the people around you. With Venus as your chart ruling planet you have the ability to help other people accept their sexuality. You have natural artistic talent and an eye for beauty. On a spiritual level you are very connected to crystals and earth energy.