Moon in Pisces – Men and Women

Natal Moon in Pisces

Having your Natal Moon in the last of the water signs is a very special, soulful placement indeed! Pisces, the 12th and final sign of the zodiac, symbolises spirituality, sacrifice, service to humanity and compassion. This is the sign of the archetypal Mystic, the Dreamer and the Helper. 

This sign can also be the archetypal Escapist, and in some ways, the Addict – with Neptune being the modern ruler of Pisces, there can be a danger of running away from reality and becoming unhealthily attached to habits which can numb you out in order to not have to deal with the world. Your Pisces Moon needs a great deal of mindful presence and tender compassion, and a wonderful way to nurture your Moon sign is to develop healthy escapes such as reading, nature, music or surfing. 

The main reason for this need to escape is mainly because your Moon is a water sign – Water Moon people are highly sensitive and deeply intuitive, and like a sponge, you soak up every “vibe” around you, sometimes blurring the boundary between you and others. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm and confusion, as you struggle to carry yours and other’s emotional energy. Hence, you try and “run away”, and if you find these healthier and more soulful escapes, you will find a great deal more emotional peace and tranquillity. There’s nothing more lovely to a Pisces Moon than doing a gentle yoga class with their favourite music in the background, preferably in a lush spot where you can tune out the world and tune into yourself. The music is particularly important, and many Pisces Moon people are excellent musicians themselves (though they shy away from fame), or simply love collecting music, as well as dancing. Dancing is a fantastic way to release pent up feelings, and can be extremely healing for your Pisces Moon. 

You’ll have to try your best to avoid drugs and alcohol – not only because they’re addictive for you, but because you will tend to be hyper-sensitive to them. A small dose or a little drink can affect you very strongly, and can be very tempting for you to keep going back to when life becomes too intense. A Pisces Moon ideally needs a lifestyle that is not too full of pressure and responsibility – it’s ideal for you to have family or a partner who can take care of the practical things in life, whilst you provide the caring, loving and selfless emotional support that you are so well known for. Pisces Moon people make wonderful healers, and often, simply being in your presence can offer someone else a great deal of comfort. This is your special gift, and one that can be deeply appreciated by others. 

It’s important that you learn boundaries, however, as you may tend to support and give, and extend yourself to a point where you may be taken advantage of. And because you are not the type to get angry or hurt anyone, you may end up carrying inner resentment around, becoming the typical martyr or even feeling the victim of other’s transgressions against you. Hence, setting up clear boundaries right from the beginning – as hard as that is – is an absolute essential in your life, lest it become your Achilles Heel! 

A great strength of yours is your Pisces Moon is the ability to be flexible and adaptable; and you’re easily able to just “go with the flow” as the situation arises. You also have an uncanny ability to sense what will come up, and adjust accordingly, making you seem very psychic – and indeed, some of you are! It becomes very important to listen to your gut so that you can tap into the flow of life – when you do this, you will find yourself in the most fortunate of situations. The sign of Pisces’ ancient ruler is Jupiter, the “lucky” planet, which indicates that you always land on your feet, no matter how intense life gets. 

You are also able to allow your moods to flow and change, and you never hold onto a negative emotion for too long – your very essence is forgiving, and no matter how many times someone has crossed you, you’ll always find it in your heart to understand where they were in that moment, holding them in compassion and extending that to them as a gesture of love. Of course, once again, you’ll have to be careful of being take advantage of, but by those who know and love you, this is a very strong quality and something that helps you to move past old hurts that you truly consider to be no longer an issue. 

It’s extremely important for your Moon sign to always have a “way out”– whether it’s a relationship, a job or another situation, you need to be able to have the option of “swimming away” – even if you never do. Just having that loophole, even if it’s inward, will be comforting to you and give you a sense of safety. This may be come across to some people as non-committal, and indeed, you can be a touch fickle seeming at times, as you duck and dive away from suffocating situations, so you’ll have to build a sense of awareness how this may affect those around you. 

Your greatest gifts as a Pisces Moon are your gifts of sensitivity, compassion forgiveness, unconditional love for others and your ability to be completely sacrificing. You are profoundly creative, musical, in touch and can be very spiritual indeed. Your emotional softness and tender support are a gift to your family, your children and your partner, who will hold you in high value for your ability to always put them first. When you develop your gifts and avoid escaping or becoming a victim of your own sensitivity, you can be someone who affects other’s lives in a wonderful way, leaving a sense of being wholly accepted as they are. Your Pisces Moon is a wonderful superpower, and all you have to do is realise it! 

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