Moon in Leo Compatibility

This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky, it affects
our behavior, it affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator for many people
all around the world informing when to garden, the weather, even serving as a guide
to several animals. For centuries people have used the moon to predict many events as
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re probably
wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past. Every
emotion you’ve felt in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even
have you instinctively react or respond differently. The Moon is a great indicator of
how you protect yourself and what is it that you need to feel secure and heal
emotionally. The Moon in a natal chart also represents the mother figure and how
nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to understand if you
are compatible or not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Leo at the exact moment you were born, then you may relate to
the following description
Moon in Leo
You have such a great energetic and talented energy to you that everyone loves, and
immediately when you enter the room everyone’s eyes are on you, and truth to be
told, you love it!
You are very affectionate, and you have such a great way of showing your passion for
what you love; however, you can be dramatic at times. You are also very loyal to the
ones you love.
Since the zodiac sign that owns the stage is in your moon, you expect respect from
anyone and will not tolerate anything less than you deserve.
You love being the leader and you’re very confident of yourself, helping others feel
the same; however, you might be a bit “bossy” which is why you might find yourself
at conflict at times.
Your need for attention can also drive you to do crazy things.
Moon Compatibility
Leo Moon and Aries Moon
Both enjoy being leaders; however, you instinctively own the stage while Aries is
competitive and tries to win the prize.

You have what Aries looks for which is Loyalty, you also love to have fun and you are
easily engaged in activities that Aries likes as well.
The only challenge between you two is that both can be authoritative and both egos
are wounded easily as well; however, if one is willing to be more submissive this is a
good combination.
Leo Moon and Taurus Moon
Both fixed signs will not work out very well. Just like oil and water the both of you
don’t mix.
Taurus resists changes and is not a fan of your hyper energy and how bored you can
get at times. Although both signs are very loyal and enjoy being with family, Leo
moon craves attention and craves getting what’s always bigger while Taurus is
comfortable providing for the family and saving money so that there are no surprises.
Leo Moon and Gemini Moon
This is such a joyful and playful combination.
Leo moon loves to have fun, enjoy life, and be the center of attention. Gemini the
social butterfly enjoys chatting and has such a great sense of humor, as well as, a
young spirit. Leo Moon admires Gemini hyper energy; however, Leo might feel
annoyed with Gemini’s sense of humor at times. Despite this, both moon signs can
connect very well emotionally.
Leo Moon and Cancer Moon
This is not such a great combination.
Since Leo needs all the attention it can get and enjoy to have fun, Leo also likes to
show what life is about and pretty much opens up their book of life to everyone, while
Cancer, on the other hand, is that extremely sensitive person that needs to be
appreciated and needs to feel secure. For cancer to feel secure, it needs to feel as if it
is protected as well as the one, he or she loves. With that said, Cancer will be not
fancy Leo’s need to show what they have done, neither is Cancer a fan of Leo’s
constant need for attention and how it can be dramatic at times. Leo is not a fan of
Cancer’s sensitivity and will have no patience for it whatsoever.  
Leo Moon and Leo Moon
Identical energies can work out but might also create an explosion as well. Mixing
Leo fire with another Leo fire can be a dispute between both on who gets the spotlight
in the relationship and who “wears the pants”. This combination can work since both
understand each other; however, someone needs to be more submissive, or else it will
Leo Moon and Virgo Moon

Virgo’s conservative energy is not a fan of Leo exhibiting and wanting to be the center
of attention. Virgo’s need to have everything perfect will drive Leo crazy, Virgo’s
need to criticize will also make Leo feel as if it is worthless. Leo will not understand
Virgo’s constructive criticism.
Leo Moon and Libra Moon
This is a great combination!
Libra’s love to socialize and are great at keeping a harmonious and balanced
environment. Which is exactly what Leo needs, someone who will understand Leo
even when it dramatizes. Both adore being the soul of the party and are wanting to
have fun. Libra does not mind Leo’s need for attention and can be very romantic.
Leo Moon and Scorpio Moon
Leo’s energy is so different from Scorpio. Scorpios feel things in such an intense way
and are very private and are also very protective of people they love, they’re also very
brutally honest. Leo will not understand Scorpio’s jealous ways and Scorpio will not
like the idea of Leo being always in the spotlight making Scorpio feel unprotected and
Leo Moon and Sagittarius Moon
Both get along very well, since both enjoy traveling, having fun, searching for the
next innovative thing to do; however, Leo moon might feel as if Sagittarius doesn’t
care at times since Sagittarius needs to feel free and isn’t as affectionate as Leo would
Leo Moon and Capricorn Moon
I don’t see both working out, Leo will find Capricorn Moon immediately boring and
lacking self-confidence. Capricorn’s fear of failing will not attract Leo, and Capricorn
will not enjoy Leo’s desire for attention and affection. Capricorn is also not a fan of
Leo’s need to spend money on items that aren’t necessary.
Leo Moon and Aquarius Moon
Both get along very well, however, Aquarius’s detachment can hurt Leo. Leo desires
and needs so much the attention, the affection, and needs all eyes to be on Leo.
Aquarius enjoys being with Leo; however, Leo isn’t a fan of Leo trying to boss around
and won’t be submissive.
Leo Moon and Pisces Moon
Both feel attracted to each other and can work out well; however, in this case, Leo
will take advantage of Pisces since Pisces are usually willing to do whatever they have
to do for the ones they love. Leo of course, will “boss” Pisces a bit around, and can be
inconsiderate of Pisces’s feelings.