Moon in Gemini Compatibility

Moon Compatibility
This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky, it affects our
behavior, it affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator for many people all around
the world informing when to garden, the weather, even serving as a guide to several
animals. For centuries people have used the moon to predict many events as well.
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re probably
wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past. Every emotion
you’ve felt in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even have you
instinctively react or respond differently. The Moon is a great indicator of how you protect
yourself and what is it that you need to feel secure and heal emotionally. The Moon in a
natal chart also represents the mother figure and how nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to understand if you are
compatible or not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Gemini at the exact moment you were born, then you may relate to the
following description.
Moon in Gemini
You have a hard time being in touch with your emotions, you’re always looking for the next
adventure or to learn something new. You are great at manifesting what you feel through
communication and for you, it is impossible to live without communicating.
You are easily bored and very indecisive at times, on the other hand, you are very proactive
and great at multitasking.
You’re known for your great sense of humor, and you don’t like to be brutally honest. You
avoid confrontation and conflicts.
Gemini Moon with Aries Moon
Both signs crave what is different and have very active energy, however, the same reason
that Aries will feel attracted will be the same reason why it’ll be annoyed at times: your
sense of humor. Since Aries is very competitive it can take certain items very seriously while
you on the other hand not so much.
Aries also doesn’t have the patience to hear you communicate about everything all the time,
Aries like to take action rather than just talking about it.
This combination isn’t impossible to work with since both do have similar energy and respect
that there is a need to feel free while still being in a relationship.
Gemini Moon with Taurus Moon
Taurus will not appreciate Gemini’s need to change and do things differently. Taurus seeks
stability, routine, and peace.
Taurus does have the patience to hear a Gemini communicate, however, Taurus will not
respect that Gemini needs to feel free since it can be very overprotective.

Gemini Moon with Gemini Moon
This match can work out just fine since both will understand what both have in common: a
sense of humor, need for intellectual stimulation, easy to get bored, craving for
However, both also have a hard time being in touch with their feelings or even being honest
with each other about them. If one is willing to solve this in a logical way just like Gemini’s
like, this will be a great match!
Gemini Moon with Cancer Moon
Gemini Moon has no patience for Cancer’s needs. Cancer needs to feel appreciated, secure,
adores being at home, and is very family-oriented. Gemini feels the need to feel free while
Cancer wants someone who can compromise. Cancer needs to feel protected and to protect
as well which Gemini Moon will not enjoy very much.
Gemini is unable to understand Cancer’s emotions, tears, and emotional displays.
Gemini Moon with Leo Moon
Just like fire and air, both compliment each other very well since both signs are easily boring.
Leo can be very dramatic, however, Gemini has a special gift that will make Leo feel better,
which is a sense of humor.
Leo loves the attention and Gemini loves to communicate, so Leo can hear a Gemini or even
read long texts from Gemini for hours because it’s only a sign that it’s getting the
attention that it needs.
Gemini Moon with Virgo Moon
Both signs are ruled by Mercury, so both signs feel the need to analyze, calculate, and both
signs are very logical; however, Virgo is dedicated to perfection and to minor details that
Gemini will never want to dedicate its time to doing so.
Virgo is also a great communicator, however, it is very critical, in a constructive way, and
lives by schedules and routines which Virgo praises. Gemini is incapable of understanding
Virgo’s need for an organization and will easily feel bored by this lifestyle.
Gemini Moon with Libra Moon
This match will certainly start off by being great friends since both are very social and
emotional. Both of you aren’t a fan of confrontation and don’t like making any big
commitments which are great since both of you can understand each other on this level.
The keyword for a Gemini moon to get a well with anyone is communication, which works
very well between Gemini and Libra.
This can be a great match!
Gemini Moon with Scorpio Moon
This match is a major emotional contrast. Scorpio feels and needs to emotionally react to
everything. When it comes to Scorpio Moon, they will either hate or love things there’s no
middle term.
Gemini doesn’t feel the same way as Scorpio and has no idea what is going on with Scorpio
and why it reacts in such ways. Also, Scorpio is very overprotective and can be very jealous
and possessive of the ones it loves and Gemini will not fancy that.

Gemini Moon with Sagittarius Moon
Both signs crave freedom, mobility, and have a great sense of humor. Sagittarius might
overreact and easily raise the tone of voice; however, Gemini won’t be bothered with it. If
anything, Gemini will joke around and Sagittarius will find it funny.
Gemini enjoys learning and Sagittarius enjoys teaching and both signs admire adventure.
This is such a great combination!
Gemini Moon with Capricorn Moon
Since both signs are very different, they can be emotionally compatible. Gemini will help
Capricorn and the other way around. Capricorn feels emotionally restricted and is very
disciplined, while Gemini is playful.
Both bring what they lack to the table, which is why with effort and acceptance from both
sides. Capricorn can be the missing piece to Gemini’s puzzle, but I must say that it will not be
Gemini Moon with Aquarius Moon
Both air signs understand each other very well since both are emotionally detached, both
search for the next new thing to learn and above all both respect that there is a need to be
Gemini Moon with Pisces Moon
Both signs adore to communicate and are very curious.
While Pisces is very emotional, intuitive and imaginative. Gemini is very logical, rational, and
Both have a great sense of humor, and both signs are very moody; however, the Gemini has
a hard time understanding how hypersensitive Pisces can be.
Pisces also seeks for a romantic relationship, which Gemini really isn’t always looking
forward to fully commit and might feel bored and uncomfortable with all of Pisces romantic