Moon in Cancer, Mercury in Cancer

Cancer ♋︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

A Cancer Moon sign in the natal chart is a highly spiritual energy that desires peace and calm. Your Moon sign allows for the full expression of emotion. You are naturally very encouraging of other people’s hopes and dreams. There is a tendency to take care of and “parent” the people around you. You are typically the one to make sure everyone is well fed, safe, and happy.

Element: Cancer is operating thorough the element of water. This gives you a predisposition to respond with feelings before thinking things through. You will have a tendency to have overt emotional displays and some impulsive behavior.

Mood: As a Cancer Moon person you will have plenty of mood swings. You are deeply sensitive to the world around you and constantly sense the emotions of others. There is a tendency to obsess or fixate on the interactions you have with others regardless of the context of the situation. Many people appreciate your raw honest emotional expression.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: Nurturing a Cancer Moon takes time. You need to retreat from the world frequently to recharge your empathic batteries. Getting lost in escapist activities such as watching films, substance use, or shopping are ways in which you self soothe your deep well of emotional stimulation.

Mercury in Cancer ♋︎ in the Natal Chart

Mercury in Cancer in the natal chart gives the individual an emotional and sensitive way of communicating. You tend towards sentimentalism with deep ties to remnants of the past, your familial history, and nostalgia. This placement tends to give the person a love antiques or be the collector of family heirlooms. People with this placement often have extensive collections of obscure objects.

You think with emotions processing everything through this mental pathway. Mercury in Cancer individuals are exceedingly gracious and approachable. There is a tendency to worry or perseverate when it comes to social interactions. You appreciate socializing with others and having a good time but require ample amounts of alone time as well to explore your inner imagination. As your mind is often very busy it is important to retreat when needed.

Mercury in Cancer is poetic and does not mind exploring tragic love stories or listening to sad songs. You enjoy having an outlet for your emotional excess and feel a sense of comrade with the archetype of the starving artist. This placement gives you the ability to communicate with anybody making you adaptable and very likable. Other’s will most likely desire being around you for your kindness and nonjudgemental personality.

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