Moon in Cancer Compatibility

Moon Compatibility
This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky, it affects our
behavior, it affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator for many people all around
the world informing when to garden, the weather, even serving as a guide to several
animals. For centuries people have used the moon to predict many events as well.
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re probably
wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past. Every emotion
you’ve felt in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even have you
instinctively react or respond differently. The Moon is a great indicator of how you protect
yourself and what is it that you need to feel secure and heal emotionally. The Moon in a
natal chart also represents the mother figure and how nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to understand if you are
compatible or not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Cancer at the exact moment you were born, then you may relate to the
following description.

Moon in Cancer

You find security in your home and with your family. You are very protective of the ones you
love and very understanding as well of others needs.
Some consider you very sensitive, which you are but you’re also very intuitive.
You seek security and harmony wherever you go and praise very much your private life.
You’re friendly and communicative, however, you protect yourself very well at the same
time, which means that not just anyone has the key into your world or heart.
Moon Compatibility – Moon in Cancer
Cancer Moon with Aries Moon
This is an example of a match that will not work.
Aries has no patience for Cancer’s needs and Cancer will not understand Aries’s impulsive
ways. Aries will not provide any stability in the household and Cancer will not feel
Cancer Moon with Taurus Moon
Although Taurus is not as sensitive as Cancer, Taurus is a very patient sign and seeks the
same as Cancer which is peace and stability. Both signs love being at home and praise family.
Taurus and Cancer aren’t a fan of change and both are very protective of the ones they love.
Cancer might feel annoyed with Taurus’s laziness at times, however, they respond to each
other needs very well.
Cancer Moon with Gemini Cancer
With the domestic sign of Cancer and the energetic sign of Gemini, this isn’t the ideal match.
Cancer needs someone who will enjoy the same family, friends, a stable home, cooking for
family and nourishing. Gemini will be easily bored with just the thought of that.

Cancer also feels the need to be complimented and to see that the partner is enjoying as
well. Cancer is also very protective which will scare a Gemini as well.
Cancer Moon with Cancer Moon
Both crave the same in a relationship and know exactly what each other enjoy and what
they don’t enjoy. Both are family-oriented, protective, very loyal to one another and are
This match will easily and joyfully take care of one another, provide stability and protect the
family like no other.
Cancer Moon with Leo Moon
Leo craves attention which Cancer can easily provide, Leo is also known for being
extremely loyal and very energetic; however, Cancer might not like Leo promoting or
bragging about their personal life since Cancer praises privacy.
On the other hand, Cancer and Leo work very well together since Cancer is willing to let Leo
be in the spotlight and to “wear the pants” at home.
Both understand each other since both are very protective and enjoy affection.
Cancer Moon with Virgo Moon
Although both signs are emotionally different, this match can work out very well since both
signs search for security and worship privacy.
Most of you are probably wondering how can Cancer deal with Virgo’s criticism? Virgo has
such a great way of communicating that Cancer will not take it the wrong way.
Virgo is very dedicated and a hard worker while Cancer is very nourishing and understands
Virgo’s need to have everything perfect.
Cancer Moon with Libra Moon
This match will not work well since both signs will not understand each other.
Libra needs to feel appreciated and loved in a romantic way, Libra also likes to balance and
think, and overthink everything before commitment and will never understand Cancer’s
sensitive and moody side since Libra is very rational.
Both are willing to not be in a conflict and to not confront each other with what is wrong,
however, it is unhealthy for both signs.
Cancer Moon with Scorpio Moon
Both water signs can complement each other very well. Both love intensely and are very
protective of one another, both are willing to do whatever it takes to keep the ones you love
close to you.
Cancer understands Scorpio’s deep feelings and will be the person to give them emotional
support when they might not deserve it, but need it the most.
Cancer Moon with Sagittarius Moon
These signs are so different, Cancer is inclined to what it feels secure doing, to being in a
home environment or in other words in its own “shell”. Sagittarius doesn’t want to spend
life on the couch or at home or with family. Sagittarius wants to discover the world, learn,
and go on an adventure that might scare Cancer off.

However, this combination isn’t impossible. With effort, this might work out. Cancer is a very
flexible sign and may give in and understand Sagittarius’s sense of humor and need to feel
Cancer Moon with Capricorn Moon
Capricorn’s will hate to admit it, but they secretly seek a “mother’s” approval and energy,
and what’s better than Cancer for that?
Capricorn doesn’t show very often how it is feeling but Cancer is very intuitive and will know
when Capricorn mostly needs the attention.
Capricorn’s stability and self-discipline attract Cancer the most. With a hardworking person
that will provide for the home, who is disciplined with the money and who is also very
This is a perfect match!
Cancer Moon with Aquarius Moon
It’s no surprise that this can be a very challenging relationship. Cancer seeks comfort by
having the one it loves nearby, by having that attention it needs and by feeling that Cancer is
Aquarius doesn’t need nor want Cancer’s nourishment. Aquarius craves freedom and is
easily bored, in order for Aquarius to feel right it needs to be doing something innovative
and isn’t a fan of routine.
Cancer Moon with Pisces Moon
These two are such a great combination with a great intuition they both understand each
other on a spiritual and emotional level. It’s as if there is no need for communication
between both because they understand each other telepathically.
Both signs are very sensitive and emotional and very considerate of one another s need.