Moon in Cancer, Chiron in Pisces

Cancer ♋︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

A Cancer Moon sign in the natal chart is a highly spiritual energy that desires peace and calm. Your Moon sign allows for the full expression of emotion. You are naturally very encouraging of other people’s hopes and dreams. There is a tendency to take care of and “parent” the people around you. You are typically the one to make sure everyone is well fed, safe, and happy. 

Element: Cancer is operating thorough the element of water. This gives you a predisposition to respond with feelings before thinking things through. You will have a tendency to have overt emotional displays and some impulsive behavior. 

Mood: As a Cancer Moon person you will have plenty of mood swings. You are deeply sensitive to the world around you and constantly sense the emotions of others. There is a tendency to obsess or fixate on the interactions you have with others regardless of the context of the situation. Many people appreciate your raw honest emotional expression. 

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: Nurturing a Cancer Moon takes time. You need to retreat from the world frequently to recharge your empathic batteries. Getting lost in escapist activities such as watching films, substance use, or shopping are ways in which you self soothe your deep well of emotional stimulation.

Chiron in Pisces ♓︎ in the natal chart

Wound: If you have Chiron in Pisces in the natal chart then you were born with natural healing abilities spiritual, mental, and physical. You often have some type of ailment that is difficult to overcome or diagnose as part of your healing journey.  Any heartache you experience will have a profound impact on your development of empathy and sensitivity. This placement often indicates mediumship skills or the ability to communicate with those who have passed on to the other side. You may also find the burgeoning development of these gifts to be considerably disturbing until you recognize the nature of what you are experiencing, often with the guidance of a mentor or teacher. 

Healing Gifts: This is the placement of the healer archetype giving you the tools you need to implement profound healing change in people’s lives. If you choose a career that involves medicine, counseling, or astrology you are right where you need to be. Chiron was a figure in Greek mythology. He was adept in medicinal plants, teaching, healing, and astrology. The energy of this Greek immortal being is easily expressed through the sign of Pisces who is often associated with having nurturing and spiritual tendencies.