Moon in Aries Compatibility

Moon Compatibility
Moon in Aries

This beautiful natural satellite of the earth that shines bright in the night sky, it affects our behavior, it
affects the earth’s tides and it has been an indicator for many people all around the world informing
when to garden, the weather, even serving as a guide to several animals. For centuries people have used
the moon to predict many events as well.
In Astrology, the moon is a very important part of your natal chart. You’re probably wondering why.
The Moon, the ruler of the sign Cancer, carries your emotions from the past. Every emotion you’ve felt
in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even have you instinctively react or respond
differently. The Moon is a great indicator of how you protect yourself and what is it that you need to
feel secure and heal emotionally. The Moon in a natal chart also represents the mother figure and how
nurturing you are.
This is why this is the perfect spot to look at in your natal chart to understand if you are compatible or
not with someone else.
If your Moon was in Aries at the exact moment you were born, then you may relate to the following
Moon in Aries
With the moon placed in a sign that is ruled by Mars – The planet of passion and war, it is no surprise
that you don’t wait too long to act, even if that means that you’ll have to offend someone around you to
do so. When you want something, you want it now. When you set your goals, you have a hard time
waiting for things to happen so you will do what you’ve got to do just to have as soon as possible.
When offended, you might be a bit defensive; however, you have the great ability to talk things over
quickly and solving them as well.
It’s no surprise that you might find yourself consistently falling in love with someone. And when you do
it is with such great passion, and you probably might find yourself self rushing into things early in
life; however, you might also dislike this person very quickly too. Especially if this person does not
provide what you need.
Here are perfect matches for Moon in Aries:
Since Aries is a cardinal sign, as mentioned before with the moon in Aries you will take action, leap of
faith without over thinking what can happen. You’re not always considerate of other people’s feelings
and you can be very competitive as well.
You need someone similar with your energy as well, or someone who will at least understand it.
The following descriptions can assist you with understanding with you you will emotionally connect
better with; however, other aspects of the natal chart can assist in figuring out if you and another
person is compatible as well.

Aries Moon with Aries Moon
 These are people who feel like they have to express themselves emotionally if they’re feeling something
it has to come out; however, you don’t allow yourself to feel vulnerable. Both moons will not receive the
opposite energy that they need.
 With the same Moon signs, both will have similar energy and be competitive against one another.
When working towards being active that can be a great combination; however, their competitiveness
can get it the way and make them hate each other very quickly as well.
 Since both Moon Signs need to “wear the pants” at home, this is a very difficult match.
Aries Moon with Taurus Moon
 Both Moon Signs are very stubborn and for this reason, I don’t see this combination working, unless
other aspects of the natal chart are in favor.
 Aries’s impulsive nature will not understand Taurus’ patience and resistance to change. Aries might be
intrigued by Taurus’s providing and caring nature initially, but will feel bored after some time.
Aries Moon with Gemini Moon
 Aries and Gemini are signs that are always looking for the next fun thing to do or to learn, however,
both signs are easily bored. Aries needs someone who can compromise and take action immediately.
 Gemini Moon feels the need to communicate and feel heard, Aries does not have the patience, and
values action more than words. This is not the best combination for an Aries Moon nor a Gemini Moon.
Aries  Moon with Cancer Moon
 The brutal honesty and impatience of the Aries Moon can somehow worry Cancer Moon. Cancer is
always s look to please the Aries Moon in any way it can, and can take Aries harsh words very seriously.
 Cancer Moon is very sensitive and very private, they need to feel supported and Aries has a hard time
feeling vulnerable or feeling empathy for Cancer. This is a very challenging combination.

Aries Moon with Leo Moon
 Both moon signs feel the desire to be in the spotlight and can relate to one another when it comes to
being patient.

Some of you might be assuming, both fire signs will not work; however, this might not be the case with
these two.
Leo feels the need to be protected and will feel attracted to Aries impulsiveness and ability to solve
issues on the spot. If one of these moons can be more submissive than the other this combination can
work very well.
Aries Moon with Virgo Moon
 Virgo Moon will analyze and calculate before taking action which will not please Aries at all. Virgo will
also feel a sense of insecurity towards Aries’s aggressive and impulsiveness.
Virgo Moon also feels the need to criticize constructively and this will not be in favor of Aries Ego as
well. Although Virgo is very careful with words, it will be hard for Aries to accept whatever comes from
Virgo that will wound the ego.
Aries Moon with Libra Moon
 Both are attracted to each other intensely for having exactly what you lack.
Libra feels the need to please people and doesn’t enjoy being alone, while Aries Moon shows Libra how
to be more independent. Libra feels the need to keep harmony in the household and Aries will
appreciate Libra for it.
Both Moon signs enjoy having a fun time together. Aries, as it is, will love being in charge and since Libra
will want to keep the peace in the relationship it will have no problems with Aries doing so.
Aries Moon with Scorpio Moon
 You’re both attracted to one another since both have such great passion; however, both respond
emotionally different. While Aries is focused on moving on, Scorpio is still grudging on what Aries has
said or done. Scorpio has intense feelings and can be very sensitive as well. Aries will not understand
Scorpio. Both signs have very strong personalities and will find each other in conflict many times.
Aries Moon with Sagittarius Moon
 Both signs need to feel free which is great, Sagittarius has a positive point of view and loves to show
and teach, Aries can feel annoyed by Sagittarius always preaching; however, Sagittarius will not take this
the wrong way and has a great way of attracting Aries with a sense of humor.
 Both signs are very honest and do not sugar coat things when they’re not feeling well, which is why they
can understand each other.

 This combination can work very well!
Aries Moon with Capricorn Moon
 Both Signs are squared, which is a challenge.
 Capricorn needs to feel grounded, and will not understand Aries’s impatience.
Capricorn feels the need to plan everything out before acting while Aries will not be focused on the
details to do so, and will just go ahead and take the leap of faith.
 Capricorn fears to fail, while Aries will believe that there is no failing. Two have a hard time
understanding each other making this relationship a major challenge.
 Aries Moon with Aquarius Moon
 Even though Aries is very impatient, Aries has such a great passion. Aquarius, on the other hand, is
emotionally detached and extremely rational. Aries will enjoy Aquarius’s need to do innovative activities
and will understand that Aquarius will feel bored very easily; however, Aquarius doesn’t accept being
submissive and Aries will not enjoy that since Aries likes to “wear the pants” in the relationship, both
moon signs have a hard time together for the same reason.
Aries Moon with Pisces Moon  
Pisces is highly intuitive and very emotional, in this relationship Pisces will find itself displeased by
Aries’s honesty and impulsiveness.
Aries will not understand Pisces’ vulnerability and will feel immediately repelled to it as well.
While Aries is looking for the next fun thing to do, Pisces is dealing with all of the emotions and the
imaginative side.
It’s needless to say that these do not combine well at all.