Moon in Aquarius – Men and Women

Natal Moon in Aquarius

The last of the air signs, Aquarius is a lovely, cool, and unique placement for a Natal Moon. Like all air sign Moons, your tendency is to express your feelings through talking and communicating about them – frequently. When you understand your emotions on a mental level and feel heard, you feel secure and emotionally at peace. Your airy Moon sign also creates a certain level of detachment from your feelings, expressed as an ability to step back and see things objectively and rationally, rather than giving in to over-reactions. 

This quality lends you a cool air, a sense of remoteness at times, and whilst you’re always friendly and kind hearted to everyone, with a willing and understanding ear, you’re not one for much affection or “messy” emotion. You may even view others who are more reactive or sensitive than you as somewhat weak, and may feel quite alienated from their process. However, these more sensitive types have a lot to teach you, in terms of really allowing yourself to feel your feelings, rather than only talk about them. This may be an invaluable lesson to learn – and there really is nothing that you love more than learning! Through this, you can come to learn that rationality is not always the only, or the best approach to feelings, and that some emotions just can’t be understood. 

It’s also important to remember that you need your friends, for as cool, detached and self sufficient as you are, you thrive when you’re in a group of people who share your same dreams and goals, who believe in the same causes as you. Community as a concept, is what makes you feel the most fulfilled and connected in life, and it’s important for you to seek out those connections in life. Loneliness or lack of friendship is a sure-fire way to depression for your Aquarius Moon, and so you tend to surround yourself with people whom you love, and you are often someone who is very popular indeed!  

Aquarius is a “fixed” sign, which means that you tend to be somewhat rigid emotionally, and that you may hold onto a feeling much longer than you should. For example, though you’re not the type to get angry, you may hold onto the emotion of anger – coolly expressed – for many a moon, letting it eat you up inside! Your challenge is to release and allow feelings to flow away from you, and to not hold on so very tightly. The upside to this quality is loyalty – you hold onto positive feelings too, and as a friend or partner, you can be deeply faithful and committed. If that friendship or love is betrayed in any way, you can very smoothly cut someone off, becoming totally cold, yet remaining friendly. It’s important for you that friendship and loyalty is held as high of a value to others as it is for you. 

Aquarian Moons are the inventors of the zodiac, unique, original and quirky. You need to be a little different, to stand out from the crowd in some ways. This can translate as dressing in a way that is very individualistic, or taking up a cause for the underdog. You feel very strongly connected to humanity, and it’ll be important for you to align yourself with an ideal that gives meaning to your life. You may choose fighting for women’s rights, or stand up for the LGBQT community – anything that allows freedom for others is an important topic for you. 

On that note, you yourself need a great deal of space and freedom to do your own thing in life, and the important relationships in your life will need to accommodate that. When you feel suffocated by clingy people or claustrophobic situations, your tendency is to rebel and become rather stubborn about your space – which is a much-needed reaction to an all-important emotional need. If you don’t have your freedom, you can feel extremely despondent and may suddenly break free – unexpectedly and to the sometimes-shock of others. 

This tendency to shock doesn’t only extend to your need for freedom but also your overall personality. You are someone who may be called eccentric and a rebel, and you may get quite a bit of enjoyment from pushing the envelope. You’re also someone who is virtually unshockable and nothing is too taboo or weird for you! In fact, the stranger, the better – you deeply appreciate people and stories from all walks of life, and your array for rag-tag friends are a testament to this quality! 

You’re a wonderful and true friend, and someone who others will find funny, quirky and steadfast. Your romantic partner will be your best friend in the world, and you will be much loved due to your emotional reliability and rationality in a crisis. You’ll need to, at times, learn to stop thinking and overanalysing too much as this may cause anxiety – try and get out into nature where you can feel grounded and get out of your head a little. 

As a parent, you are fun and open minded, cool and progressive, and your own relationship to your Mother should be friendly and quite easy-going, if a touch cool. You’re not much of a domestic goddess or god, but you make up for it by being everybody’s best friend. Your home is a place of learning and curiosity, and you’ll fill it with books and knowledge, which you absolutely love! 

Your greatest gifts in life is your unique spirit, your strangeness, your friendliness and your progressive energy. Your Aquarius Moon means that you always find something to learn, somewhere and helps you see life philosophically – with a new lesson every step of the way! This, and your natural teaching ability, goes a very long way indeed when tackling challenges, and others will see you as a source of wonderful knowledge and information, making you into a true wiseman or woman as you continue to grow. Make sure that you always live closely aligned to your highest ideals, and temper it with groundedness and practicality to make your dreams come true. 

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