Midheaven (MC) in Virgo, South Node (NN) in Gemini

Midheaven in Virgo ♍︎ in the natal chart

Public Life: If your Midheaven is on the sign of Virgo in your natal chart then you will tend to appear very organized and put together from other people’s perspective. In public you like to appear dependable, knowledgable, and compassionate. You have a keen sense of what people need and seem to have a knack for gathering and using resources efficiently. This placement often indicates someone who needs stability, order, and routine in your daily work or career life. You like to know in advance if you are scheduled to work and be able to plan accordingly for upcoming events, workload, and future commitments. 

Career Possibilities: The career choices of a person with a Virgo Midheaven often have an element of helping or making something for someone else to use. Some examples of jobs you may find yourself in are the following; healthcare provider, physician, nurse, homeopath, energy healer, acupuncturist, herbalist, gardener, secretary, filer, professional organizer, scheduler, librarian, editor, musician, music teacher, lyricist, assistant, psychologist, administrative assistant, priest, nun, administrator, manager, or skilled crafts person/creator. 

Ruling Planet: Mercury is your ruling planet with this placement indicating a love of facts, figures, and memorization. You are adept at detail oriented work, managing resources, and communicating effectively with the help of this planet!

South Node in Gemini ♊︎ in the natal chart

Having the point of the South Node in Gemini in your natal chart indicates that you have already learned to make light of situations, find the humor in things, and a well developed attachment to your own thought process. You may have a tendency to get stuck in relationships in which you only see the surface meaning. 

This placement can indicate that you get swept up in local gossip and possibly translate  information inaccurately at times. South Node in Gemini can indicate that you are very skilled at writing, reading, speaking, and teaching. You enjoy sharing your knowledge and have an innate sense of curiosity, making you open learning new things. 

Your soul is working on taking a deeper look at how you think and how others think. In this lifetime you are expanding your perspectives of others. You are learning to integrate the archetypes of the student and the teacher into one. Already excellent at asking questions you are now being prompted to trust the answers you receive. South Node in Gemini individuals are working on making a commitment on acting out their own philosophies in life. A way to heal your tendency to be indecisive is to teach others what you learn as you evolve.