Midheaven (MC) in Pisces, South Node (NN) in Leo

Midheaven in Pisces ♓︎ in the natal chart

Public Life: Individuals with the Midheaven in Pisces in the natal chart often are viewed by the public as being very mysterious and glamorous. The fluid nature of your public persona lends well towards careers in the public but can cause you to have internal struggles about your own identity. At times you may feel others are choosing your fate or identity for you projecting their ideas of who you are onto you. This placement makes you well suited towards careers that require identity shifts and creativity. In addition to creative careers you also would excel in jobs that involve caregiving or taking care of others. 

Career Possibilities: Some career possibilities with Pisces as your Midheaven placement include personal caregiving, hospice worker, social worker, spiritual healer, religious leader, artist, actor, actress, photographer, minister, librarian, musician, dancer, poet, lyricist, veterinarian, astrologer, tarot reader, crystal healer, nurse, priestess, counselor, therapist, masseuse, fantasy writer, romance novelist, reality show creator, influencer, fashion designer, model, and metaphysical shop owner/worker. 

Ruling Planet: Your Midheaven placement is co-ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune indicates confusion over developing your career and also adds a sense of glamour to your public persona. Jupiter ruling your Midheaven in Pisces can indicate fame, notoriety, and wealth.

South Node in Leo ♌︎ in the natal chart

The South Node in Leo in the natal chart is symbolic of past lives or past situations in your current life in which you often played the center of attention. Your need for admiration from others and development of your ego self was paramount to your happiness and fulfillment. This attachment to ego and identity may have caused you to get out of balance. You are now searching to tip the scales to a more even keeled place between a healthy sense of self and being able to contribute to a group. 

You are naturally gifted in the arts, acting, and having a very strong sense of willpower. This may indicate that at times you exaggerate to yourself or to others what you are going through. The tendency to do this satisfies your need for attention that your soul craves so deeply. You are learning to let go of this need instead being satisfied with your internal self. 

The external factors that surround you are less important in this life or on your current life path than in the past. You are learning that outside elements do not construct your authentic identity. The South Node in Leo individual is learning to see the benefits in sharing, and participation in group dynamics.