Midheaven (MC) in Leo, South Node (NN) in Pisces

Midheaven in Leo ♌︎ in the natal chart

Public Life: A person with the Midheaven in the sign of Leo in the natal chart possesses a very charismatic and bossy attitude in the public eye. You prefer to be the one in charge and calling the shots! With this placement you make an excellent actor, public speaker, or influencer. People are attracted to your energy and want to know what you are going to do next. You often choose a career that has a great deal of creativity, leadership expectations, and financial opportunities. 

Career Possibilities: With your Midheaven in the sign of Leo you enjoy doing work that draws positive attention for your skills and talents. Some careers or jobs you may be drawn to include: actor, comedian, talk show host, venture capitalist, influencer, solider, security guard, chief executive officer, manager, banker, singer, musician, bartender, cyclist, teacher, events organizer, fashion designer, impersonator, athlete, soccer player, restaurant/bar owner, filmmaker, producer, writer, lawyer, stockbroker, or motivational speaker. 

Ruling Planet: Your Midheaven point on Leo is ruled by the Sun. This indicates a very solar and positive energy to your nature. You naturally seem lit up and have a spark about you that people love. This placement indicates someone who is often greatly admired and appreciated especially when you share your talents, perspectives, and spirit with the world.

South Node in Pisces ♓︎ in the natal chart

The South Node in Pisces in the natal chart speaks to past life or current life circumstances in which you found yourself playing the martyr. You often felt that in order for other people to be happy you had to give up your own happiness. Some gifts you have mastered are spiritual awareness and compassion. Your past experiences living as an empath have made you a highly sensitive person and very cognizant of the needs of others. 

In this life or on your current life path you are learning to ground your feelings and beliefs. You may have a tendency to flake out on plans or day dream excessively. With your South Node in Pisces you can often feel like you are in your own mini universe, experiencing the world from a broad and expansive perspective. 

You are learning to integrate these skills into the everyday. Your soul is requesting to take what you have learned and apply them to the details. With a profound ability to recognize how everything is connected you are working on understanding how everything can be separate as well. You are moving towards creating your own individual life experience, crafted in the physical world.