Mercury in Libra, Venus in Aquarius

Mercury in Libra ♎︎ in the Natal Chart

Mercury in Libra in the natal chart individuals communicate with grace and poise. You desire to get along with others and are generally a nice person all around. There is great skills in discerning and passing a fair judgement. You have the ability to mentally process all sides of situation disseminating information clearly and concisely. 

Individuals with this Mercury placement are typically very capable of processing numbers and playing musical instruments. There is a natural ability to hear and envision the beauty in a musical composition or mathematical configuration. 

You appreciate harmony seeking this out in your communications with others. There is a tendency to get very involved in social media as you have the opportunity to share the more beautiful sides of life through these platforms. How you look, happy moments friends, or celebrations all can be communicated to other’s through photos on social media. Your eye for aesthetics and willingness to share your personal life all contribute to your success through these mediums. 

Libra in Mercury individuals are typically great communicators although avoid conflict so may struggle to communicate their more difficult emotions. You are able to intellectualize your feelings bringing a filtered sense of beauty to everything you do and say.

Venus in Aquarius ♒︎ in the Natal Chart 

Colors: Rainbow, White, Black/White Stripes

Artistic Skill: Website Design

Individuals with Venus in Aquarius in the natal chart tend to express themselves through creative, new age, and visionary means. You are often seemingly existing in a future dimension compared to the people around you.

Likes: As a Venus in Aquarius individual you will be attracted to androgyny, gender fluidity, philanthropy, social equality, and astrology. You are typically very interested in conspiracy theories, ancient mysteries, and extra terrestrials. You like to share everything you have with the people in your life taking a very egalitarian approach to living. This placement tends to enhance one’s skills in computer programming and understanding of technology. 

Dislikes: Considering your open nature and gift of knowing future trends you dislike when people seem behind the times. A strict adherence of tradition or social norms that seem completely archaic will immediately stir up rebellion within you. 

Romance: When in love the Venus in Aquarius individual searches for an equal partnership. You often do not realize you are even in a relationship until someone else points it out for you! There is typically a friendly flirtatiousness about you. You tend to be very loyal once in a committed relationship looking to evolve sexually with the partner you have chosen. 

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