Mars in Taurus, Mars in the 7th House

Mars in Taurus ♉︎  in the Natal Chart

Archetypes: Builder, Craftsperson, Architect 

What Drives You: Mars in Taurus in your natal chart can drive you to desire to build and create. You understand that incredible effort is necessary in order to be successful. With this placement you will have a natural strength about you making you very physically powerful. Mars in Taurus can cause you to put immense effort behind the projects you undertake. This may give you a tendency to stay in a situation long past its due date. 

There is a stubborn streak to this placement. With Taurus being a fixed sign you will have a stronger drive to dig in your heals to get what you want. Natal Mars in Taurus gives you killer business instincts. Your relentless and subtle approach to closing a deal makes you an excellent negotiator. Individuals with Mars in Taurus are here to build up the world to architect cities and culture. They are the ones who are our crafters creating brilliant works with artistry and taste. 

Sexuality: Mars can also symbolizes how you express your sexuality. With Mars in Taurus you are more likely to have a strong sex drive. On the surface you may appear quite calm but behind closed doors you let an entirely different side of you out. Others may not be able to keep up with you!

7th House

Keywords: The keywords associated with the 7th house are marriage, partnership, relationships, business partners, friends, social life, balance, legal matters, cooperation, collaboration, compromise, love, and contracts. 

Angular House Type: An Angular house type is ruled by a cardinal sign. Libra is the cardinal air sign overseeing the 7th house. 

The 7th house is associated with partnerships, marriage, and contracts. It is where you start to see yourself expressed through others. Often people do not express the sign on the 7th house very easily but instead live out the themes of this house through their relationships. This house is the area of life where you have made commitments to someone else often in a legal or official capacity. For this reason the 7th house can be seen as your relationship to a business partner, a close friend, or a spouse. 

On a spiritual level the 7th house is bringing awareness to the areas of life you find yourself in opposition to. This is why individuals may end up dating their complete opposite zodiac sign, as the saying goes: “opposite attract.” Having a lot of planets in the 7th house indicates that you will often be searching for yourself in others. How you relate to your own identity and the identity of others is in the themes of this house.