Mars in Leo, Ascendent in Capricorn (Capricorn Rising)

Mars in Leo ♌︎ in the Natal Chart

Archetypes: Producer, Actor, Olympian 

What Drives You: The individual with Mars in Leo in the natal chart is often a very driven person overall. Mars represents fire energy which is quick to respond and conflict oriented. Since Leo is also a fire sign there is a double dose of fire with this placement. Mars in Leo tends to bring out a wild nature in a person with an unpredictability about your personality. 

With Mars in Leo you have the distinct ability to play multiple parts in a production; actor, producer, and director. 

You are driven to create, injecting extreme excitement behind every project. Mars in Leo may make you seem a little bit unstable at times as your intensity levels will tend to fluctuate. To match this you may have an explosive temper when things are not going your way. People may say you “see red” when you are mad or it appears that flames flair up in your eyes. 

Sexuality: Mars also represents your sexuality and libido. As a person with Mars in Leo you will have a somewhat prideful approach to sex. You will want to be with beautiful people playing out your fantasies. There will be a desire for renown and you will want your partners to build this up in you. Mars in Leo can bring a lot of confidence to a person.

Capricorn ♑︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Knees & Skeletal System

Chart Ruling Planet: Saturn

The Capricorn Ascendent or Rising sign in the natal chart influences your outward personality to have an introspective aspect to it. The mask you wear is meditative and you appear to be deep in thought on many occasions. Others may categorize you as shy but the more likely explanation for your silence is your need to reflect before making a response. As a Capricorn Rising you are concerned with accuracy tending not to speak unless you are very well versed in a subject.  

Style: The Capricorn Ascendent style will have you attracted to dressing in all black or a muted tones. Keeping other people on their toes you will dress in bright red from time to time. Your personal style is simple, elegant, and comfortable. You want others to take you seriously therefore you will choose your style carefully based on your current audience. 

Talents: You are a natural teacher with a huge well of knowledge at your disposal. As a Capricorn Rising you are ruled by Saturn giving you the ability to speak with authority in sharing your unique perspective. If you can learn to speak up others would benefit from your valuable observations on life.