Mars in Gemini, Ascendent in Gemini (Gemini Rising)

Mars in Gemini ♊︎ in the Natal Chart

Archetypes: Politician, Comedian, Trickster

What Drives You: If you have Mars in Gemini in your natal chart you are driven by wanting to make a good impression. You will have a unique expression that does well in politics or comedy. An individual with this Mars placement will have great comedic timing with an impeccable sense of humor. 

You will be somewhat of a showman looking to please the crowd you are “performing” for. 

Mars in Gemini individuals typically make great politicians. You have a keen instinct to know what to say to the right people, able to make a case for your position quite easily. Other people may be curious how you got to where you are but you know all it took was impressing the right people. 

There is some energy of the archetype of the trickster with this placement. That means you are channeling the energy of ancient gods in mythology such as Loki, Hermes, and Mercury. These deities played with people’s emotions; however, it was always for an underlying good cause. You help people see their way through difficult times through humor, jokes, and maybe some tricks of the mind. 

Sexuality: Mars in Gemini individuals typically have a fun and varied sex life. You tend to be very flirty sometimes giving off the impression you are available when you are not.

Gemini ♊︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Arms & Hands

Chart Ruling Planet: Mercury 

If you are a Gemini Ascendent or Rising sign then this was the sign on the horizon at the time your birth. The ascendent is the mask that you wear and what other people see first when meeting you. As a Gemini Rising you will be playful and outgoing even if the rest of your chart implies a shier disposition. You will certainly have a way with words!

Style: A Gemini Ascendent will give you a natural curiosity about the world and a youthful and casual appearance. You have the ability to fit in anywhere making your style very chameleon like. You desire to show the world that you are fun and easy going.

Talents: A Gemini Ascendent will be adept with languages and getting their point across accurately. You will love communication of all kinds through social media, in person, and when traveling. Something that comes very easily to you is meeting new people and making friends. People are instinctively interested in getting to know you more as you are ruled by the social planet Mercury. Some skills of the Gemini Rising include drawing, creating music, or other activities that include working with your hands such as typing, writing, or sign language.