Mars in Cancer, Ascendent in Taurus (Taurus Rising)

Mars in Cancer ♋︎ in the Natal Chart

Archetypes: Advocate, Caregiver, Matriarch 

What Drives You: If you have Mars in Cancer in your natal chart than you are driven to fiercely protect the people you love. There is almost an aggressive quality to how far you will go to make sure those you care about are safe. Mars in Cancer is deeply affectionate towards others. You give freely of your energy knowing that you deeply want to receive affection in return. 

Mars in Cancer drives you to want to take care of people. Your often make an excellent cook as this is a tangible way you can express this intense need to nurture others. 

This Mars placement also comes with a great deal of loyalty. You find yourself joining up with causes you care deeply about and you are willing to put up a fight in order to see the results actualized. Mars in Cancer individual’s have the power to manifest their desires. These people will put passion behind what they want and go for it without restraint. At times you may loose your temper getting swept up in the moment. 

Sexuality: This Mars placement tends to be very generous in bed. You have a deep well of passion often being drawn to sexually intense relationships.

Taurus ♉︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Throat & Vocal Tract

Chart Ruling Planet: Venus

As a Taurus Ascendent or Rising sign you have an earthy sensuality that characterizes your appearance and gives you a romantic approach to life. Taurus Rising individuals appear calm on the surface and often you cannot tell what they are thinking based on their facial expressions. People often find your speaking and singing voice hypnotic and soothing. 

Style: You are very focused on your appearance and adorning yourself. You are the most likely sign to have body piercings, wear lots of jewelry, or have tattoos. One of the ways you express your artistic nature is through clothes and personal style. This is very important to you as a Taurus Rising. You are also very concerned with the comfort and feel of you clothes. Always looking put together you easily create outfits that are both comfortable and creative looking. 

Talent: Taurus Risings tend to be introverted on the surface. You are highly perceptive of your environment and the people around you. With Venus as your chart ruling planet you have the ability to help other people accept their sexuality. You have natural artistic talent and an eye for beauty. On a spiritual level you are very connected to crystals and earth energy.