Life Path Number 9, Mercury Sign in Pisces

Life Path Number 9

The Life Path 9 is all about mystery. The Life Path Nine is an old soul and has to deal with all the complexities of life. When their life becomes stretched out or exaggerated, they are not being their true self. The 9 needs to be filled with love and compassion for life, otherwise, they may become too self centered or self absorbed which leads them to being more of a taker than a giver, They function best when they are able to listen to their emotions, and navigate the world in a way that allows them to explore their deeper nature. When the 9 focuses on life as a giver, they learn to allow love to flow out of them. They need to be able to take action and stay focused. The 9 can be a bit of a dreamer, and they will need to learn to make these dreams a reality. If they fail to take action, they can become very bitter and resentful of others, accusing them of stealing their ideas. However, if they learn to apply themselves and believe in themselves, there’s no limit to what they can accomplish. This is also a reason why they must learn to face their fears. The 9 is a blend of all the other Life Paths combined. They are said to be and old and wise incarnation, and they would do well to follow their emotions in life.

Mercury in Pisces ♓︎ in the Natal Chart

If you have Mercury in Pisces in your natal chart than you will have a dreamlike and fanciful way of communicating. There is a tendency to get lost in your thoughts. At times other people may have trouble understanding you due to your round about way of expressing yourself. You often feel that you have made your point very clearly so communication can be quite a confusing game for you. 

Mercury in Pisces gives you the ability to day dream like no other. You have a rich imagination and can transport yourself to seemingly other worlds simply by entering into this creative mind space. This placement is very poetic and lends an artistic nature to your thought process. The Mercury in Pisces individual will be able to sympathize with others and often can communicate with animals on an unseen level. 

You tend to have a romantic mind set choosing to see the good in a situation when you can. There will be an attraction to reading fanciful literature, Shakespeare, and the like. Mercury in Pisces is able to communicate spiritual aspects of life that others may have trouble articulating. You will often decide to keep your thoughts to yourself contributing to your rich internal life. When you do choose to speak other people listen intently.