Life Path Number 8, Sun Sign in Sagittarius

Life Path Number 8

The Life Path 8 is all about personal empowerment. The 8 is a testament of strength and is able to overcome hurdles in their life. They love to involve their willpower and test their physical strength in order to achieve. One thing the Life Path Eight will need to do is learn balance in their life. They can not get everything they want be sheer will, and they will need to learn how to be patient in order to get the proper results. The 8 needs to learn love, and have less fear that their material needs will not be met. The 8 is a sponge when it comes to absorbing new information about the world, and they are at their best when they are sharing this information freely with others which allows others to navigate the world in a similar way to them. The 8 works best when they approach the world in an authoritative way, but not in a way that just blatantly dominates people. They need to have a healthy approach to fear. They may believe they have no fear, but this is a lack of self awareness. When they realize they have fear, but choose to act anyway, the 8 becomes a very unstoppable force. The 8 will make many friends along the way, and will hopefully develop enough tact to be the strong and reliable one that others lean on.

Sagittarius ♐︎ Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbol: Archer

Element: Fire

Key Phrase: I Perceive 

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

If you were born when the Sun was in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius then this is your natal Sun sign. The Sun represents your identity, personality, and soul essence. Having a Sun sign of Sagittarius blesses you with a spirit of adventure and openness. Your zodiac sign desires freedom and liberation. You want to express your identity without inhibition. Your symbol is the archer riding on a horse speaking to your penchant for wild exploits. 

Your zodiac sign is associated with the fire element. As a fire sign you express yourself easily and with passion. Sagittarius is associated with philosophy, higher learning, travel, and spirituality. You are on a quest for truth and naturally ask broad questions about life. Sagittarius is frequently a social activist and easily perceives what it is society needs in order to be more authentic. 

The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter which symbolizes expanded awareness. This planetary element allows you to see the bigger picture and society as a whole. You are attracted to movements with meaning whether that be in politics, education, or spirituality. There is a longing to see the world beyond your immediate environment and this is central to your core identity.