Life Path Number 6, Sun Sign in Scorpio

Life Path Number 6

The Life Path 6 is all about being creative. The 6 wants to be an entertainer and express themselves freely. They are magnetic and easily attract whatever it is they focus on, whether it is good or bad. This is why it is important for the Life Path 6 to focus on something positive, lest they attract more negative situations. If they allow worry to dominate their lives, they may easily manifest that which they stress about. The 6 walks a tightrope and entertains others. They are responsible, but they are also acting freely. People tend to be captivate by the Life Path 6 and will help place them back on track when they fall off. The 6 is known for being a responsible person, but they must figure out what they truly desire. The 6 may feel burdened by what they take on, especially if they are feeling stagnant. They need to tap into their adventurous side that allows them to feel more alive. The curiosity of the 6 leads to them understanding many things, and they love to teach others. They just need to make sure to remain humble, as no one loves a know-it-all. But the 6 is very adaptable, and will figure out a way to work the give and take.

Scorpio ♏︎ Sun in Natal Chart

Symbol: Scorpion

Element: Water

Key Phrase: I desire 

Ruling Planet: Pluto & Mars

If you were born when the Sun was in the sign of Scorpio then your identity is influenced by the themes of passion, obsession, and a search for meaning. Scorpio is a dynamic energy. Your greatest skill is that you are very tuned into other people’s energy. You have a keen sense of the significance behind the major cycles of life. 

Your symbol is the Scorpion representing your tendency to respond quickly even sometimes lashing out at others. You have a very intense nature about you brought on by your extreme sensitivity and perception of the world around you. 

Your element is water meaning you are connected to the emotional currents of others, the world, and culture. Although often rejecting the society you came from you are highly aware of social and cultural patterns. People can often be mystified by your identity as you give off a certain enigma. Others can sense your emotional depth but rarely get to experience this side you. You are generally a very private person. 

Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto and Mars. Mars is the planet of action and Pluto is the planet of transformation. You relate to these themes often through your extreme life experiences.