Life Path Number 11, Mercury Sign in Aries

Life Path Number 11

The Life Path 11 is all about inspiring others. The Life Path Eleven is able to come up with creative solutions and uses their intuition to better understand the world around them. They are naturally charismatic and can be a source of energy and motivation for others. The 11 needs to better understand that they have a great amount of potential. They may think they are just ordinary and therefore not give themselves enough credit. However, they also must not let these skills go to their head. They need to remain humble in their position and just let their inspiring nature shine through. The Life Path 11 takes a long time to mature and understand how to use their gifts, but once they do, they are able to achieve their goals. As long as the 11 stays in a positive mindset, they should be able to accomplish a lot. They need to keep their self believe and not be focused on setbacks or setting too high of a goal. They will find the balance of what is realistic and achievable versus what is more like a pipe dream. Once they set their minds to this, they will be able to inspire others to help see their vision and achieve their goals.

Mercury in Aries ♈︎ in the Natal Chart

Mercury in Aries in the natal chart symbolizes speaking out of turn and taking action. There is a tendency towards impulsivity given the quick and fiery nature of this sign. Mercury in Aries individuals are known for instigating change and at times bringing much needed awareness to social causes often using adversarial means if necessary. 

You love intellectual pursuits but due to your short attention span you never stay with any one topic for too long. This gives you an overall sense of variety and basic knowledge in a wide area of interests. The Mercury in Aries individual will respond quickly based off of emotions as opposed to thinking things through. You are passionate and responsive; reacting well in the event of crisis or disaster. 

As a Mercury in Aries person you are gutsy and enjoy being the hero. You have a love of adventure or love reading about the adventures of others. With a fearless approach to life you speak your mind freely never allowing your true feelings to be repressed. You may tend towards a bad temper as you need an outlet to express anger and rage. Mercury in Aries individual’s act as a catalyst, a leader, and organizer for change.