Libra Sun Sign Woman

The Libra Sun Sign Woman is great at being a conversationalist and building up others around her. She leads with optimism and finds a way to get others involved and feel like they are a part of something. The Libra woman might have an underdog streak and want the people that aren’t receiving their fair share to be able to get a shot. 

The Libra woman is a woman of justice and balance and believes that everyone should treat others fairly, however, this doesn’t mean they feel guilty about enjoying their own life. The Libra woman wants others to be happy and that includes themselves. They have a flair for fashion and what is stylish, and will open up their checkbooks to make sure they are enjoying life to the fullest. 

The Libra woman wants to be pursued. They do not want someone that is just half in and half out. They need to know that the are the number 1 pursuit of a potential lover. They are prone to flattery, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but they may get swept up in the niceties of others instead of seeing the situation in the correct way. 

The Libra woman wants to make a difference. They believe they can help the community around them and then take actions to make everyone feel better. The Libra is also good at using their words to deescalate the tension in situations. The Libra woman has a gift with words and know just the right thing to say.

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