Karmic Debt: Planets in the First and Second House

Karmic Debt: Planets in the 1 st and 2 nd house

Understanding which planets are in our houses is essential, we can understand why we go through
certain obstacles in life and understand what it is that we must improve.
So, before you read this article, we advise that you look at your natal chart, where your planets are
placed and if any of them are in your houses.
So, for example, You Jupiter is in Libra and you are a Libra ascendant (look at the degrees as well) this
means that your Jupiter is in the first house.
Below is a description of planets that indicate which karma you’ve gained through past lives, this will
help you understand what errors you’ve committed in the past, as well as, what it is that you need to
overcome in this life. Your body is your soul’s temple so respect that and above all learn to love yourself
because you are worth it!
Planets in the first house
As we know, the first house is our physical body, it is the energy that we have as soon as we are born, it
is the mask that we show to the world, and how the world will mostly know us for. The first house is a
great place to look at to figure out our identity, as well as, how we feel about our bodies and why.
Jupiter in the first house
A person with Jupiter in the first house is usually, an optimistic person, that everyone loves to be
around, however, the person with Jupiter in the first house usually has a hard time living a balanced
healthy life, because this indicates a soul who did not care for healthy habits in the past life. In this life,
the person may suffer from diabetes or even with emotional eating.  
Saturn in the first house
Saturn in the first house indicates a person that in the past life would self-torture the physical body,
which is why these people usually feel uncomfortable with their body in this life. Feeling very
embarrassed by his or her body.
Uranus in the first house
Uranus in the first house indicates a person who did not respect his or her own body in the past life just
to be different and for own pleasure, in this life this person may be born with a genetical issue. Usually,
people with Uranus in the first house are very independent and do not take orders very well.
Neptune in the first house
Neptune in the first house indicates a person who was highly vain, and only cared about the body
avoiding spirituality and the true essence of the body, in this life, the person may want to escape the
body and has a hard time accepting the body. Usually people with Neptune in the first house may suffer
from eating disorders.
Pluto in the first house

Pluto in the first house indicates a person who used his or her sexuality to seduce and manipulate
people into getting whatever he or she wanted. In this life, the person will feel unhappy with the body
always trying to improve it through treatments and surgeries not resulting in the desired outcome.
Planets in the Second House
The second house is our finances, it shows how we feel secure, how we manage money, as well as, our
security in general regarding our family and home environment.
This is the house of Venus the luxurious planet, it is important to look at this placement because this is
the house highly connected to money, and we all know how addictive money can be. So, let’s look at
what planets are in your second house and if you can relate to this or not.
Jupiter in the Second House
Jupiter in the second house can either be a blessing or a curse (depending on if it is well placed or not) If
Jupiter created positive aspects and is well places, this indicates an extremely lucky person with money
and receives gains without great effort, however, if this is a person with poor placed Jupiter this person
will have to work hard to gain money, this also indicates a person who was not so careful with his or her
income in the past life, and shall learn to do so in this life.
Saturn in the second house
It’s no surprise that having the planet of restriction in the second house indicates a person who is very
fearful of losing money or spending it, this person might be blessed with a lot of money; however, due
to a past life of restrictions, he or she will have a hard time enjoying his or her money.
Uranus in the second house
With Uranus, the planet of sudden events in this house means that the person has a hard time keeping
money and creating a stable financial. This is because, in the past life, the person did not value the effort
of gaining or value money at all. This is why in this life, money flows in and out of his or her bank
Neptune in the second house
Neptune in the second house indicates a person who would manipulate and betray people for money in
the past life, which is why in this life, he or she may experience this from other people. Neptune in the
second house people are easily manipulated and used for money, and people always treat you for less
than what you deserve.
Pluto in the Second House
Pluto in the Second House indicates a person who was very manipulative, who abused his or her power
and who was probably rich in the past life, not caring for others and being highly demanding. In this life,
this person will experience financial losses, as well as, family insecurity.
If you have planets in these houses that indicate that your karmic debt is harsh, do not worry. The first
step to solving your karma, and to solving any issue really, is to be aware of what you’ve done and why
you’re struggling.