Karmic Debt: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, & Uranus in the 12th House

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, & Uranus in the 12th House

Understanding which planets are in our houses is essential, we can understand why we go through certain obstacles in life and understand what it is that we must improve.

So, before you read this article, we advise that you look at your natal chart, where your planets are placed and if any of them are in your houses. 

So, for example, You Jupiter is in Libra and you are a Libra ascendant (look at the degrees as well) this means that your Jupiter is in the first house. 

Below is a description of planets that indicate which karma you’ve gained through past lives, this will help you understand what errors you’ve committed in the past, as well as, what it is that you need to overcome in this life. 

The 12th House 

The 12 house is a complex house, it is the house that represents Karma, it is where you look at to figure out what his hidden and what is dug into your subconscious mind from past lives. This is the house of your unjustified fears and trauma, carried from the life you have once lived but do not recall. This is the house of your enemies and your dark side, your psychological mind, this is the house of sleep and dreams. 

This house is a great indicator of who we are, our traits, where we lived in the past life. 

If there are planets in this house, or if the ruler of this house is not comfortable or not well aspected, this means that the person has a tendency of committing the same mistakes repeatedly. People with planets in the natal 12th house struggle with their family and home, they may also have several memories from past lives which they struggle to understand in this life. 

When your ascendant is the ruler of the 12th House, this means that your soul will go through twice the struggle to overcome obstacles, in the same circumstances and in the same family, and most likely in the same country that his or her soul lived in the past life. 

Jupiter in the 12th House 

Jupiter in the 12th house indicates a person who was wealthy and did so little to help out those in need, in this life, he or she will struggle with having very little to spend but with a great desire to help others. It is important that this person realizes that the more he or she gives, the more he or she receives. 

Saturn in the 12th House 

Saturn in the 12th House indicates a person who was distanced from everyone, and never creating connection with people. This was a person who lived to learn and never shared his or her knowledge. In this life, this person will find him or herself obligated to connect with people to progress. 

Uranus in the 12th House 

Uranus in the 12th House indicates a person who had a free spirit, who was rebel and never really followed the rules. In this life, this person will struggle to feel free. This is a person who you would normally find working in closed spaces such as prisons, or rehab centers or even captured and locked down against his or her will away from society. 

Neptune in the 12th House 

Neptune in the 12th House represents an old soul, so this means that if the 12th house does not have any other negative placements, that this soul is on its way to accomplishing internally it’s mission. However, if this is not the case, this indicates a person who tends to escape from reality, might have illusions, might daydream, or see things that are not there. In this life, this person is inclined to figuring out about his or her past life for several reasons, he or she might do this through therapy, or hypnosis, however this person chooses to try to figure this out, he or she may find that it is an obstacle in understanding what it is, this person also struggles with understanding his or her mission in this life time. 

The twelfth house is a very delicate house, and a great indicator of what your past mistakes were. If you are highly interested in to understanding what was done in your past life, we suggest you have a natal chart reading with someone who is certified in karmic astrology, other methods such as hypnosis or reiki are great to solve past life traumas and filter your chakra energies allowing you to cleanse your Karma. 

The first real step to cleansing your Karma is being aware, and we trust that we have provided you with just the right information. Let us know how you can relate to this, where is your 12th House? Have you ever experienced anything different or do you have any traumas? Have you solved them? We look forward to hearing all about what you have to say about this. 

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