One of the ways of understanding what it is you shall learn in this life, and errors from the past life are
paying close attention to the planetary aspects.
Now, I know this isn’t an easy task and it might be a bit confusing. So we hope that this article informs
and helps you in figuring this out.
When looking at your natal chart, usually it is represented by a mandala where you can visualize the
twelve houses surrounding it and in the middle all those crazy lines where you’ve probably asked
yourself “What’s this?”. Well, those lines in the middle show exactly the planetary aspects in your natal
chart. Some might be opposite to one another, or even creating a square.
These planetary aspects help you figure out what it is that you struggle with life in and where you should
focus your energy as well. Some of these aspects might even work in your favor granting your blessings,
however, others might work against you creating obstacles, and being aware of an issue is the number
one step in solving it as well. So, we hope that by the end of this article and by analyzing your natal chart
that you become aware and solve whatever needs to be solved, or even why you have been blessed in
this life.
We call the negative aspects conjunction, opposition and square.
These are the red lines in the middle of your natal chart, these lines are carried of karma gained through
the past life, as mentioned before, this is the number one step of finally getting rid of this karma and
doing the right thing.
1) Conjunction
NOTE – conjunction does not mean that it is negative, this can also work positively for you, but
to figure that out you need to analyze the planets that are creating this aspect, and look at the
houses as well.
These are two energies combined that when they are used positively, can become a sextile, if
not used in a positive way this conjunction can transform into opposition in your next
2) Opposition
This aspect is formed whenever planets are 180º opposite to each other. Whenever you find this
in your chart this means that there is a need to balance both positive aspects of the planets. Use
the planet’s energy in your benefit, otherwise, this opposition will form into a square in the next
3) Square
A Square is formed whenever planets are at an angle of 90º of each other, this aspect is a great
indication that this is a mistake that has been committed throughout many past lives.
Now enough about the negative aspects and let’s go on to the positive aspects, these are
represented in blue in your natal chart, and are a great indicator of all the good deeds and good
karma that you’ve gained in your past life.
- Sextile
Formed by planets that are creating an angle of 60º, and we consider this aspect to be a
blessing. It represents the good that you’ve conquered in past lives and how you are
granted for it in this life; however, you mustn’t do abuse of that power since this can
easily become a negative aspect in your next reincarnation.
- Trine
Now out of all the aspects, this is the best! This is what I truly call a blessing. This aspect
is formed with planets that create a 120º and this aspect indicate a person who has
gone through a lesson and has finally accomplished what needed to be learned in the
past lives. This is what I like to call a good price after you’ve passed the test. This aspect
is a blessing and is not reversible.
Now that you are aware of the planetary aspects, we also want to highlight that it’s
important that you check for any retrograded planets in your natal chart.
Any retrograded planet in your chart indicates mistakes that have been ignored in the
past life, in this life you may suffer due to the karma that you have gained in your past
life, however, if this planet is creating a positive aspect (look for the blue lines in the
chart) this means that there’s still hope! On the other hand, if it isn’t, and if it is creating
a negative aspect this means that you’ve committed the same error in many other past
lives, and this life you will encounter several hard challenges and unjustified traumas
and fears due to what was experienced in your past life. It can be something as simple
as being afraid of the dark because in your past life you experienced something
extremely frightening or traumatizing.
These tips are not only useful for your natal chart. You can verify your compatibility and
whether you have met someone in the past by using this same method. Compare the
two natal charts, yours, and Person A, to see if you are compatible or if you have ever
met in the past life or not. If there are many negative aspects between both of your
planets, this is a great indicator that you both have to solve issues together in this
lifetime, and if you don’t you will somehow meet in another life to try to solve these
same issues. Which is why we should not harshly cut the cord or hurt anyone just for the
fun of it in this life. You may not experience “payback” or divine justice in this life but
will for sure in the next reincarnation.
We hope that we have provided you enough tips to analyze and figure out slowly what
your karma is, and what it is that you must solve in this life.
Let us know your feedback in the comments. We look forward to your feedback all
about what you have discovered and how you relate to this article.