Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the 3rd House

Jupiter in Sagittarius ♐︎ in the natal chart

Personality Traits: Jupiter in Sagittarius in the natal chart tends to be a very magnanimous position. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius making this a very strong placement. 

You are very generous and deeply enjoy the company of others. This placement can make you a very jolly person. There is a natural dignity about you along with an air of an elevated social status. You are often very well spoken having well developed ideas and philosophies.

Wealth: Jupiter in Sagittarius individuals tend to not concern themselves with wealth and finances. You often desire to be wealthy but look for stealthy ways to achieve the results you are looking for. Be cautious not to fall for a get rich quick scheme or other hollow endeavor. 

Indulgences: You love to indulge yourself in all of the debauchery and pleasures in life. Jupiter in Sagittarius people tend to do things in excess. If for example you like video games you will tend to play a game until all levels are complete sacrificing other areas of responsibility to do so. You are an all or nothing person. People with Jupiter in Sagittarius are a lot of fun to be around and definitely the life of any party.

3rd House

Keywords: The keywords associated with the 3rd house are communication, siblings, local travel, learning, writing, comedy, early childhood, social media, humor, elementary school, and language. 

Cadent House Type: A Cadent house type is ruled by a mutable sign. Gemini is the air sign ruling the 3rd house. 

The 3rd house in astrology is the location in your chart representative of early childhood, how you relate to your immediate environment, and learning and communication styles. Due to the fact that this house is associated with early childhood it also relates to siblings as a part of your family upbringing. The 3rd house can also indicate how much of a role your siblings did or did not play in your early home environment. This is also the house of learning, therefore; it is associated with education, elementary school, and early learning environments. 

If you have a heavy emphasis of planets in the 3rd house this implies you have strong ties to your local community. You may be a local activist, a voice for your community, or a teacher. The sign on the 3rd house in your natal chart can help illuminate one’s particular learning styles. It can show you if you are more of a visual, auditory, or hands on learner.