Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter in the 2nd House

Jupiter in Pisces ♓︎ in the natal chart

Personality Traits: Jupiter in Pisces in the natal chart brings a vibration of oneness or connection with all sentient beings. This placement tends towards sensitivity and emotional intelligence. You are a natural caregiver instilling a resonance of abundance and love to others. At times you may feel lost in life as you sort through the meaning of your personal experiences. 

Wealth: Jupiter enjoys being in Pisces as it gives the native a very bewitching aura. You have the ability to pull people in to your ideas and dreams. You may experiment with a wide range of careers never settling on any one thing. Making money through art, innovation, or astrology is possible. You have a desire to make the world a better place.

Indulgences: Where Jupiter is located in your natal chart can indicate how and what you indulge in. With Jupiter in Pisces in the natal chart you may have a tendency to indulge in escapist activities. At times you may find you get swept up in substance use or drinking. You allow yourself to melt into a spiritual ocean and can become emotionally overwhelmed by the world’s expectations of you. You indulge yourself in music, art, religion, and meditation as other means of escape from the physical world. 

2nd House: 

Keywords: The keywords associated with the 2nd house are values, self-worth, resources, finances, material possessions, sensuality, physical body, belongings, beliefs, and ownership. 

Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Taurus is the fixed earth sign ruling the 2nd house. 

The 2nd house in astrology is the area of life where we develop a relationship with our resources and belongings. In this area of the chart you are called to evaluate your attachments to the material world. In addition, the 2nd house is the place where you learn the value of self-worth, pleasure, satisfaction, and delight. Planets placed in this part of the chart will partially represent your capacity to generate wealth, resources, and income. Planets here need to experience life “hands on.” 

The 2nd house symbolizes your relationship with possessions and values. This can relate on a spiritual, physical, or emotional level. How you define yourself based on what your belongings are, your beliefs, the money you have, the relationships you are in, or anything else you can use as a physical definer of who you are can be experienced through the 2nd house. Deciding what you own or if your possessions “own” you is a core lesson of this area of the astrological chart.