Jupiter in Libra, Jupiter in the 6th House

Jupiter in Libra ♎︎ in the natal chart

Personality Traits: Jupiter in Libra in the natal chart gives the native a very peaceful and gentle nature. You are more sensitive and appreciate a variety of expression in love and relationships with this placement. A large part of your personality will be avoiding arguing with others. You tend to be outgoing, social, and neutral, making you good at resolving conflicts for others. 

Wealth: Jupiter in Libra individuals tend to have a lucky streak and are very successful when fate in on their side! At times it can be difficult to muster up the energy you need to create a solid financial plan. Hard work and dedication always seem to pay off for you financially. Fame, popularity, or prominence are some of the ways you may fall into money. 

Indulgences: A Jupiter in Libra individual typically loves to indulge in anything that allows them to connect with others. Relationships, marriages, and dating are all outlets of indulgent for the Jupiter in Libra native. You typically love traveling, sweet deserts, and cultural entertainment. You feel a strong affinity with the people taking a political stand through music or art as this is a peaceful way to make a point.

6th House 

Keywords: Keywords associated with the 6th house include service, serving, time, schedules, routine, health, medical care, diseases, wellness, exercise, plants, herbs, pharmacy, pets, and responsibilities. 

Cadent House Type: The Cadent house type is ruled by a mutable sign. Virgo is the mutable earth sign overseeing the 6th house.  

The 6th house in astrology is symbolic of the areas of life that relate to daily routines and work life. The sign on the 6th house in your natal chart can provide insight into what type of work you enjoy doing, how strict you are about schedules, and your desire to be of service to others or not. In traditional astrology, the 6th house was also associated with pets. 

The 6th house allows you to deal with the relationship you have to your commitments and responsibilities. It also is related to health, wellness, and the physical body. Having planets in your 6th house typically indicates that you have some type of healing gift to give to others. You are often very interested in exercise, healthy eating, or may have a heavy focus on your body image.