Jupiter in Capricorn, Jupiter in the 8th House

Jupiter in Capricorn ♑︎ in the natal chart

Personality Traits: The placement of Jupiter in Capricorn in the natal tends to be a more conservative location than other Jupiter natal signs. You maintain a pragmatic nature while still pursuing your ambitions. It may take you longer to realize you have or are achieving your goals. You do well when in a position of authority and this planetary position can make you quite popular with others. 

Wealth: Your approach to money is conservative. You have the ability to attain wealth but rarely do it through risk taking or speculative investment means. With Jupiter in Capricorn you want to know your investment is sound and you have a tendency to be very careful with your money. You love to find bargain and get a thrill out of knowing you saved a buck. 

Indulgences: Jupiter in Capricorn individuals love to travel. The nature of this planet gives you a sense of connection with the world at large. You come to understand yourself better through your experiences both for pleasure and business in foreign countries. Individuals with this placement tend to indulge themselves in their careers. Your capable nature often has you finding yourself in public office, running a company, or executive positions.

8th House

Keywords: The keywords associated with the 8th house include death, transformation, secrets, mystery, macabre, shared finances or resources, legacies, taxes, owed money, uncovered trauma, healing, and psychology.  

Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house. 

The meaning of the 8th house has evolved significantly over time. Traditionally this house was associated with taxes, legacies, and shared resources. It is believed that due to its associations with legacies and inheritance this has contributed to the modern 8th house associations with death. Beyond the literal definition of death, it can also represent transformation, cycles of life, and major life endings/beginnings. 

The perspective of the 8th house is broad and psychologically based in most modern astrological interpretations. It symbolizes how you relate to others on a deeply emotional level. This house is associated with secrets but also shared resources and taxes. 

Trying to relate all of these themes together is what gives the 8th house is intense mystery. When you are working in the 8th house you are often working through some kind of emotional trauma. How you relate to the life, death, and sharing your experiences and resources with another are all 8th house endeavors.