Jupiter in Aries, Saturn in Gemini

Jupiter in Aries ♈︎ in the natal chart

Personality Traits: If you have Jupiter in Aries in the natal chart you will have a very fiery and temperamental personality. There will be a tendency to indulge in fantasy and other forms of dramatic play. You enjoy getting heated and letting your emotions fly free. You may have an intense temper with a tendency to be very focused on how situations effect you personally. Your sense of self will be highly developed.

Wealth: With this position you enjoy gambling and taking risks. There is potential for great wealth with the possibility of financial ups and downs. You will enjoy being independent and may have multiple financial pursuits. Making money from self-employment or freelancing is likely with Jupiter in Aries.

Indulgences: You will tend to indulge in your self development with this placement. Jupiter represents what we have a lot of and what we cannot get enough of. Jupiter in Aries gives you exceptional confidence and an abundance of charisma. You will have a life long curiosity with a desire to learn and grow intellectually. There may be a tendency to switch careers frequently throughout your life as you easily find passion for new and differing interests. You may have a love of sports, being active, taking risks, and adventure.

Saturn in Gemini ♊︎ in the natal chart

Work Style: Saturn in Gemini in the natal chart gives the native a very focused mindset. You are able to concentrate for hours, very good at memorization, and categorization. Individuals with this placement are extremely observant of their environments and the data being shared between people. You may tend to be shy and enjoy working on solo projects that require your complete mental focus. Saturn in Gemini people make are excellent at making lists, manuals, or data file sorting. There is an imaginative quality you can bring to mathematics or other linear frames of thought.

Life Lesson: The life lesson of Saturn in Gemini is learning to overcome the anxiety of speaking your mind for fear that your ideas will be misunderstood. You may keep their thoughts to themselves out of concern that other people will not accept or believe what they know. You often dislike small talk and are looking to connect deeply with others. You are contemplative and good at making connections between ideas. Saturn in Gemini individuals often feel their family and siblings acceptance of their choices is very important. You are learning to accept yourself regardless of what other people say or think about you.