How to Win Her Heart Based on Her Zodiac Sign: Fire Signs

Are you trying to win her heart?  Is she an Aries, Leo, or a Sagittarius? Then we have the right advice for
Aries Woman (March 21st – April 20th)
Meeting an Aries woman, you will realize that she is brutally honest, even when she should not be. She
is the kind of woman who will not spend her time with you if you are not worth it. She will have no
problem in telling whatever it is that she does not like in you without a filter. To be with an Aries woman
you need to keep your pace, she has no patience waiting for you.
An Aries woman loves to battle and conquer, she will not take no for an answer easily. There is no use
trying to tell an Aries woman how she should live her life, or to try to control her. Before you know it,
she is controlling you. WARNING! There is also no use in telling her that she is wrong, she will go until
the end of the world to prove to you that she is right my friend!
An Aries Woman needs a masculine man who can show her the respect that she deserves. Someone
who will admire her determination and tolerate her desire of wanting to be in control of everything.
She is that woman who will love a partner that will do sports with her, make love, go on adventures, and
agree with her last-minute crazy ideas. Someone who can accept her competitive and explosive nature,
and please try not to get her bored.
So, if you are someone who is in love with an Aries Woman, win her heart by admiring her as who she is,
help her win the “prize”, show and let her know that out of all the woman that you’ve met that she is
the best, be as affectionate as possible, and above all show her that you need her to be happy.
Leo Woman (July 22 nd – August 23 rd )
Meeting a Leo woman, you will realize that she is a Leo and that with or without you she owns the stage,
my friend! So, when she is already on that stage, you need to do something crazy to get her attention
and let me tell you, it is not easy! You need to show that you are worth her time and attention and
above all, she needs to be the center of your world.
A Leo Woman needs to be heard, and this is the kind of woman who will go on talking about something
that is truly bothering her for hours and hours, and even if she is being repetitive, continue to look at
her and nod your head letting her know that you’re still listening to her, and if she suspects that you’re
not, she’ll have no problem in testing you to figure out if were or not.

Letting a Leo Woman know that you are in love with her just is not enough, you need to give her what
she needs. Let her know how beautiful she is, let her know that she is your one and only, and if you do
this in public or through social media you even gain extra points.
When meeting her for the first time, you might think that she is a bit arrogant, but this is not the case,
she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She has this warm and passionate heart, which
is why this is the kind of woman who will love affection and romantic gestures and will show the world
how much she loves you as well.
So if you’re in love with a Leo woman, show her that you deserve her attention, and be self-confident
show her that you are worthy of her love through romantic gestures, and by showing the world how
much you love her. Compliment her every day even if you are already married to her for years, she
needs to hear how much she means to you every day.
Sagittarius Woman (November 22 nd –
December 21 st )
This is the woman that will stand out in the crowd with her awesome sense of humor, a smile on her
face, and a positive vibe. A Sagittarius woman does not need you or anyone else to be happy, as she
masters the art of seeing the positive side to everything in life, so do not try to “domesticate” or control
her, as she will leave you hanging in a heartbeat.
She is that woman that will not leave behind what she praises and joys in life for money, she is that
woman who will do it for the adventure for the adrenaline.
Do not victimize yourself with a Sagittarius woman, as he as gone to hell and came back and hold her
head up high with a positive mindset, she will not have the patience to hear you moan over something
that isn’t as bad as you think.
Instead, invite her to do something fun without her expecting it. Respect her for who she is and let her
know how much you admire her positive attitude and determination. Do not force her or make her do
long term plans, remember, that these women do not care about the money or the future. The keyword
is Carpe Diem, or in other words, live the present and cherish the moment.
To win her heart, you shall show her that you are different from the crowd, that you understand the
value of living the moment and to you, that is all that matters. Do not surround her with any negative
thoughts or emotions and keep her having fun with you beside her. Let her know how you feel, but do
not force her to feel the same and respect her need to be free or alone at times.