How to Win Her Heart Based on her Zodiac Sign: Air Signs

Are you trying to win her heart?  Is she a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius? Then we have the right advice for
Gemini (May 20th – June 20th)
You will spot out a Gemini woman from far away, especially if she is speaking with her hands and if she
is having long deep conversations.
She is that beautiful, bubbly woman who probably looks younger than she really is. She has that
awesome sense of humor and that hyper energy. She is also very curious and will enjoy hearing about
anything that is new.
You will capture her interest if you show her how intelligent you are, and especially if you start a
conversation on an interesting topic of which she can teach you or you can teach her about.
This is a woman of many hobbies and interests, and she has a hard time focusing on one at a time;
however, she is always open to something new.
Winning her heart is not easy my friend, many love her energy and find her attractive; however, getting
her to fall in love is not easy at all. She sometimes has a hard time detecting what it is that she feels for
someone, and if you want to gain her trust and love you need to respect that. She will not deposit her
trust easily, as she is always cautious and aware that not everyone has good intentions.
This is a woman who will probably have more than one person interested in her, so you need to get in
the line or show her that you are different and not boring like everyone in the line is. The the keyword is
communication, communicate with her and intellectually stimulate her with interesting information.
Show her how much fun you are and do everything that you can to not get her bored.
Libra Woman (September 23rd –
October 23rd )
This is that beautiful, gorgeous, and charming woman that everyone can not stop looking at in
the room. She is very friendly, and everyone loves her.
She will have you mistaken, as she has that charm and bright in her eyes as if she is interested in
you too, but do not let that fool you. She is very flirtatious!

She is very sensual, and she might fancy you; however, you need to show her that your
affectionate and no like the others.
This woman will be fair and give you a a chance at showing this to her; however, you better take
advantage of it, because if you don’t and if you bore her she will be polite during the date; but
will avoid you the day after.
A Libra Woman loves a confident man, someone who is determined and is not as indecisive as
she is. She will not enjoy a man who is easily triggered over minor details or who is always
picking at something. She is a great listener and some people will go on and on without letting
her talk, please do not be just one more person who does that to her. Show her that you want to
listen to her and above all be romantic and show her attention.
Praise her for the woman that she is and admire her for being that woman that no matter in what
is the situation she is in; she will always do what is right and fair for everyone.
Aquarius Woman (January 21st –
February 20th)
She is that woman who is different from the crowd, she does not follow what is normal to society or
wear what is what we consider to be “fashion”. She is that woman who stands out in the crowd for
being different and above all creative.
She loves to socialize and will probably have you meet everyone in her social circle, but that doesn’t
mean that you’re special to her. So, don’t keep your hopes high when she introduces you to her friends.
To gain this woman’s heart, you shall start by showing how great of a friend you are and that you admire
what she believes in.
Many think that she’s just crazy in thinking that she can change the world, but you need to show her
that you support her for who she is, and for what she believes in. Do not tell her what she should or
should not do, she will ignore you and if anything, she will immediately do what she really shouldn’t just
to prove to you that you do not own her.
She has this energy like no other, so do not bore her with long conversation or with something that she
already knows. She will be focusing on the next fun thing to learn or do.
This is not the kind of woman who believes in tradition, she might not be a fan of contracts or marriages.
To her, a marriage might just be a piece of paper, and an idea of love adapted by society when in reality
love to her is allowing one another to be free and respecting each other.
I like to describe Aquarius as a butterfly, you shall never trap an Aquarius or pressure her if she loves you
she will find her way back to you.
While trying to win her heart, invite her out to do something different. Do not be like all the other guys
who invites her out to dinner at some local restaurant, instead, invite her to do bungee jumping,
canyoning, or rock climbing something fun and adventurous. Be CREATIVE!

The trick to earning an Aquarius Woman’s heart is letting her be in control and stimulating her
intellectually, keeping up with her hyper energy and figuring it out into what she is into.