Chiron in Cancer, Chiron in the 11th House

Chiron in Cancer ♋︎ in the natal chart

Wound: There is a deep sense of wounding in the heart of a person with Chiron in Cancer in the natal chart. You have a desire to be compassionate, loving, and nurturing to others but often find your outlets for this limiting or that you neglect to give yourself the care you need. This can result in self neglect and a denial of your true heart’s desires. There is often a psychic element to this placement. Individuals with Chiron in Cancer may find themselves overly empathic and unable to find a place to spread their emotional abundance. Some may find their fertility hindered or blocked in some way either physically or creatively.  

Healing Gifts: You have the gift of healing others emotional wounds. You are a naturally therapeutic person, taking a very gentle, non-judgmental, and loving approach to all people. This placement indicates that you have a soft spot for people who have been cast out by society, tending to give the benefit of the doubt. You help people heal familial or past trauma by assisting other’s in transforming the wounds they have into other outlets of expression. Individuals with this placement help people accept what has happened, integrate what is needed, and move forward in life.

11th House

Keywords: The Keywords associated with the 11th house include tribes, people, groups, social circles, social media, internet, creativity, collaboration, charity, altruism, innovation, the future, brotherhood, sisterhood, secret societies, discovery, congregating, activism, and trends. 

Succedent House Type: The Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Aquarius is the fixed air sign overseeing the 11th house. 

In astrology the 11th house represents group identity and group belonging. It is also associated with your hopes, dreams, and wishes. The 11th house is the areas of life that bring together your passions and the things you have learned. As an aspect of identity, the 11th house, is where you are start to feel like you belong to a group, nation, people, family, political groups, collectives, and so on. 

Your ambition is able to be realized when you have the cooperation of a group sharing in your vision. Here you get to play out and live your dreams in real life. If you have a heavy emphasis of planets in your 11th house this can symbolize a life full of achievement and luck. People with 11th house planets tend to be very influential. Friends may become a greater focus than family in this case as well.