Cancer Under Stress: Dark Side of Cancer

Cancer Under Stress: Dark Side of Cancer

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)

Cancer is ruled by the moon, the planet that carries the emotions from the past. Cancer is the
first of the element of water. Just like any water element sign, it is highly sensitive. Cancer’s
feelings manifest in such a beautiful way that it is incapable of getting angry at people like other
signs are. Cancer loves nurtures and protects the ones it loves. Cancer has this “mother” energy
with everyone that surrounds you. Cancer wants to keep everyone safe, make sure that they
aren’t doing anything that they shouldn’t be doing. Cancer adores and cares for people in such a
great way; however, what may seem like a blessing can also turn into a curse and for the same
reasons Cancer can also reveal it’s dark side the same way.

Cancer’s Darkside:

Number #1: Ok, I’m pouting again…

Cancer won’t express through words why they’re upset at someone right away. Instead, you’ll
see them pout and that can make someone go crazy on why they’re reacting this way. There’s
no use in asking why if Cancer won’t tell you, and here you are asking yourself what in the world
did I do? That is just Cancer feeling upset and not wanting to make a big deal out of it all of a
sudden; however, since Cancer’s the first element of water, it’s also as transparent as water.
Cancer will deny that something is wrong, but Cancer’s moon-shaped face will “I’m upset” all
over it.

Number #2: Here comes the mom of the group.

The “mother” nature lives in Cancer wherever it goes and to whoever it speaks with, and to
some, that can be quite a bit strange. Some will not share information around Cancer, assuming
that Cancer will disagree with what they’ve done or because Cancer can be a bit of a party
pooper. If you’re a Cancer friend and that’s your case, just try to understand that’s not Cancer
trying to be boring. That is Cancer protecting you in the best way it can.

Number #3: I will stalk you and make sure you’re ok

When a Cancer cares about someone, it will grab on to that person just like a crab with the claw.
it will be very overprotective, you’ll find a cancer stalking in an unhealthy way to protect the
ones they love. Since Cancer does so much for the people they love, it is also afraid that people
will take advantage. So, to calm itself down it needs to investigate and assure that isn’t the case.
Cancer will access email accounts, bank accounts, search your phone for text messages, listen to
your conversations and will overall invade your privacy.

Number #4: Get the tissues

When Cancer is sad which is very common, it will cry all day! What mostly gets on everyone’s
nerves it’s because Cancer doesn’t really look like it wants to heal from whatever it is hurting
from. It will torture itself by crying and thinking that its the end of the world. Cancer every time
sees someone come in the room it’ll cry, every time Cancer has to go over the whole story of
why Cancer isn’t so well, it will be a hard task listening to the story while Cancer is crying the
whole time.

Number #5 : Uh oh I am mad…

It is a hard for a Cancer to explode when it’s mad. Cancer will keep on covering the wound until
it bleeds and when it does, Cancer will explode. It will finally express how mad it is and it will say
what it should and what it shouldn’t. After that Cancer will hide in its shell and will be ice cold, it
won’t be easy for a Cancer to be back to normal with you after it’s mad. You will not see Cancer
speaking to you, nor sending you texts or even caring about you. Cancers are masters at ignoring
people when they’re mad.

Number #6: I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget

Cancer has the ability to forgive; however, it will hold on to what you did forever. At the first
opportunity, Cancer will use that against you. This makes it a bit hard for Cancer to maintain a
relationship because it keeps on bringing things of the past and only opening up its own wound,
which it shouldn’t do.

Number #7: I need attention!! Someone get me a label!

When Cancer is mad it will beg for attention in such annoying ways. Cancer will not enjoy having
someone cheerfull around it when it’s mad. It’s like the whole world needs to press the pause
button and feel empathy for Cancer. There is no use trying to cheer a Cancer up when it is upset
or mad, Cancer will be rude and make you feel bad for even trying.

Number #8: Don’t try to get information from my personal life.

This is one of the great ways of getting Cancer so mad. Cancer praises their personal life and
doesn’t authorize anyone to cross its limits. Do never ask Cancer about its personal life, you’ll
see a side of Cancer you’ve never known. It can be something as simple as asking a Cancer
what’s its dog’s name, it will not appreciate the question, even if it’s an innocent question. Let
Cancer be the one to give this information on its own, just don’t ask.

Number #9: Do not harm the ones I love!

Cancer is not an aggressive sign, however; it can be once you’ve done harm to the ones it cares
truly about. Cancer will not have a problem getting physical at that point.

Number #10: Seeking Secretly Revenge

Cancer, unlike other signs, doesn’t seek very often revenge. However, betray them and touch
what’s theirs and they will have a unique way of serving a cold plate of revenge. They won’t
serve it to you directly, they will emotionally manipulate you. You’ll find a Cancer talking to
people involved in your life and finding ways to make you miserable through them.