Ascendent in Taurus (Taurus Rising), Chiron in Taurus

Taurus ♉︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Throat & Vocal Tract

Chart Ruling Planet: Venus

As a Taurus Ascendent or Rising sign you have an earthy sensuality that characterizes your appearance and gives you a romantic approach to life. Taurus Rising individuals appear calm on the surface and often you cannot tell what they are thinking based on their facial expressions. People often find your speaking and singing voice hypnotic and soothing. 

Style: You are very focused on your appearance and adorning yourself. You are the most likely sign to have body piercings, wear lots of jewelry, or have tattoos. One of the ways you express your artistic nature is through clothes and personal style. This is very important to you as a Taurus Rising. You are also very concerned with the comfort and feel of you clothes. Always looking put together you easily create outfits that are both comfortable and creative looking. 

Talent: Taurus Risings tend to be introverted on the surface. You are highly perceptive of your environment and the people around you. With Venus as your chart ruling planet you have the ability to help other people accept their sexuality. You have natural artistic talent and an eye for beauty. On a spiritual level you are very connected to crystals and earth energy.

Chiron in Taurus ♉︎ in the natal chart

Wound: Chiron in Taurus in the natal chart represents a soul wounding at a deep core level with issues of finality and death. You struggle deeply coming to conclusions, ending a relationship, or making significant changes to your life for fear of what the future holds. This can lead you to have anxiety related feelings or other stress related responses to the regular cycles of life’s ups and downs. You can be very uncomfortable with the idea of death and therefore strive to live in the moment at times to the detriment of your health. Some of the choices you make may not always be in your best interest. 

Healing Gifts: You have the gift of helping other’s embrace the present. When people have a conversation with you and they feel your absolute attention on them in the moment they will instantly feel validated. You support people in following their dreams with great encouragement and enthusiasm. Assisting other people to recognize the beauty in the physical and in the now helps people to relax and embrace where they are at in life. You approach people without judgement for where they are one their journey, hoping to give them the gift of pure freedom through mindful awareness.