Ascendent in Scorpio (Scorpio Rising), North Node (NN) in Virgo

Scorpio ♏︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Sex & Reproductive Organs 

Chart Ruling Planet: Mars & Pluto

The Scorpio Ascendent or Rising sign in the natal chart gives you an air of intensity and a mesmerizing energy about you. As a Scorpio Rising you will guard your private life fiercely. You often keep your deep emotional thoughts to yourself and rarely allow other people on what you are actually feeling. You have a natural ability to tune into the psychology of others and inherently know what other people are thinking. Scorpio energy gives you the ability to predict other people’s next move. 

Style: A Scorpio Rising’s style is dynamic and practical. You use clothing like armor safeguarding yourself from people you believe to be inauthentic or untrustworthy. A Scorpio Rising will often choose alternative styles whatever that may mean for the society or culture they are living in. If everyone around them has tattoos they will not. If tattoos are absolutely taboo you can bet the Scorpio Rising will be covered in them. 

Talents: Your natal chart ruling planets are Mars and Pluto. The forceful nature of these two planets gives you potent powers of perception. You are able to pick up on information, vibrations, and sensory information other people often miss. Scorpio Rising is often naturally psychic as well.

North Node in Virgo ♍︎ 

The North Node in Virgo in the natal chart is symbolic of a soul urge towards bringing the aspects of life into the physical world. You are innately spiritual and looking to create a sense of routine and ritual in the spiritual and mundane, giving you a somewhat practical approach to soul development. 

Individuals with this placement often find themselves in situations where they are learning to set their own boundaries between giving and receiving. You may find you attract work and relationships where you feel inadequate, therefore you overcompensate by making yourself invaluable. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in Pisces. This implies that in the past you may have engaged in escapist tendencies or found yourself in situations where you were manipulated by authorities or you identity with the archetype of the victim. You are learning to overcome this complex. 

The North Node in Virgo spirit is giving you the opportunity to recognize your own goals and dreams so you can work towards them. Despite the past or how other’s have made you feel this is your opportunity to experience life from your perspective with clarity. Have compassion for yourself and bring a sense of mindfulness to your everyday experiences.