Ascendent in Sagittarius (Sagittarius Rising), North Node (NN) in Capricorn

Sagittarius ♐︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Hips & Liver

Chart Ruling Planet: Jupiter

If Sagittarius was the sign on the horizon when you were born then this is your Ascendent or Rising sign. A Sagittarius Rising will be bold, dramatic, and highly expressive in how they present themselves to others. You have a rebellious streak that comes out in your defiance against authority figures as you neglect the status quo. As a Sagittarius Rising you get a thrill out of defying those placed in positions of power. 

Style: Your style is often full of bright colors and patterns. You like to adorn yourself in clothing and jewelry that give off a multi-cultural vibe. Typically a world traveler you will have collected interested items to style yourself or home with. You are not afraid of bright red hair or allowing your hair to grow long running wild and free like the mane of a horse, your astrological symbol. 

Talents: As a Sagittarius Rising you are a very skilled scholar and intellectual. You have a way with words utilizing the power of your ruling planet Jupiter to reach a wide audience. Naturally able to start a riot you inspire others to follow your society defying ways. You are very smart while also bringing people joy and abundance.

North Node in Capricorn ♑︎ 

The North Node in Capricorn in the natal chart is symbolizing a soul urge towards self-sufficiency and responsibility. You are learning about the nature of having a work/life balance. Individuals with this placement often need to work at staying goal focused yet have a desire to always be reaching their goals. 

You are learning to integrate your emotional experience into having a sense of self-control and letting go of fear. The North Node in Capricorn is the most lily placement for self sabotaging when it comes to achieving life’s goals. You are learning to accept your successes and failures as aspects of growth. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is the sign of Cancer. This would indicate that you tend to draw in life experiences that cause you to get stuck in a rut, moodiness, or depression. This may cause inaction or avoidant tendencies which are working to overcome.

The North Node in Capricorn is giving you the impulse to keep pushing forward. Honor your experience by briefly recognizing your feelings and then quickly moving into goal-oriented action. Your soul urge is drawn towards learning through life experiences. Get yourself out there and push yourself through periods of low energy.