Ascendent in Pisces (Pisces Rising), North Node (NN) in Capricorn

Pisces ♓︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Feet & Lymphatic System 

Chart Ruling Planet: Neptune & Jupiter

The Pisces Ascendent or Rising sign represents your overall appearance and the mask you wear in the world. As a Pisces Rising you have a dreamlike quality to your surface personality. You have a tendency to appear aloof or as if you are off in another world. 

Style: The Pisces Rising person will typically have a great sense of style. Your zodiac sign is associated with glamour and often fashion. The creative and diverse world of fashion attracts your global nature. You appear very spiritual to others with wide set often hypnotic eyes. There may a tendency to experiment with makeup, different looks, and gender expression. As a Pisces Rising you have the body of a dancer as your zodiac sign is associated with the feet and fluidity. 

Talents: You will be intuitively spiritual and very good at making other people feel accepted. Your natal chart ruling planets are Neptune and Jupiter giving an expanded dimension to your metaphysical abilities. You are a natural empath able to osmosis your feelings with someone else’s. As a Pisces Rising you will be naturally good at putting people into trancelike states such as hypnosis; taking people through energy healing or guided meditations.

North Node in Capricorn ♑︎ 

The North Node in Capricorn in the natal chart is symbolizing a soul urge towards self-sufficiency and responsibility. You are learning about the nature of having a work/life balance. Individuals with this placement often need to work at staying goal focused yet have a desire to always be reaching their goals. 

You are learning to integrate your emotional experience into having a sense of self-control and letting go of fear. The North Node in Capricorn is the most lily placement for self sabotaging when it comes to achieving life’s goals. You are learning to accept your successes and failures as aspects of growth. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is the sign of Cancer. This would indicate that you tend to draw in life experiences that cause you to get stuck in a rut, moodiness, or depression. This may cause inaction or avoidant tendencies which are working to overcome.

The North Node in Capricorn is giving you the impulse to keep pushing forward. Honor your experience by briefly recognizing your feelings and then quickly moving into goal-oriented action. Your soul urge is drawn towards learning through life experiences. Get yourself out there and push yourself through periods of low energy.