Ascendent in Pisces (Pisces Rising), Midheaven (MC) in Gemini

Pisces ♓︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Feet & Lymphatic System 

Chart Ruling Planet: Neptune & Jupiter

The Pisces Ascendent or Rising sign represents your overall appearance and the mask you wear in the world. As a Pisces Rising you have a dreamlike quality to your surface personality. You have a tendency to appear aloof or as if you are off in another world. 

Style: The Pisces Rising person will typically have a great sense of style. Your zodiac sign is associated with glamour and often fashion. The creative and diverse world of fashion attracts your global nature. You appear very spiritual to others with wide set often hypnotic eyes. There may a tendency to experiment with makeup, different looks, and gender expression. As a Pisces Rising you have the body of a dancer as your zodiac sign is associated with the feet and fluidity. 

Talents: You will be intuitively spiritual and very good at making other people feel accepted. Your natal chart ruling planets are Neptune and Jupiter giving an expanded dimension to your metaphysical abilities. You are a natural empath able to osmosis your feelings with someone else’s. As a Pisces Rising you will be naturally good at putting people into trancelike states such as hypnosis; taking people through energy healing or guided meditations.

Midheaven in Gemini ♊︎ in the natal chart

Public Life: With a Midheaven in the sign of Gemini in the natal chart you will require a great deal of variety in your public and working life. You will love meeting influential people, being a trend setter, and delivering the latest news/information to others! With this Midheaven placement you are drawn towards having many different life experiences, switching careers very often throughout your life. You will excel at turning yourself into a personal brand able to market yourself using a variety of social media platforms. This placement indicates that you are a great entertainer, public speaker, and very much enjoy interacting with the world around you. 

Career Possibilities: Some careers or jobs that are very fitting for the person with a Gemini Midheaven include: flight attendant, artist, bartender, dancer, gymnast, programmer, writer, blogger, news anchor, marketer, electrical engineer, musician, actor, comedian, talk show host, podcast creator, vlogger, barista, childcare worker, social media manager, receptionist, or any other job focused on communications. 

Ruling Planet: The ruling planet of your Midheaven is Mercury giving a sense of spontaneity and need for communication to your public persona. Mercury energy enjoys being playful, fun loving, and light hearted. You will often portray these aspects in your public life or the career you choose.