Ascendent in Libra (Libra Rising), North Node (NN) in Pisces

Libra ♎︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Kidneys & Buttocks

Chart Ruling Planet: Venus

The Libra Ascendent or Rising sign in the natal chart gives you a very alluring outer personality. People will want to interact with you as you put of an air serenity. You have a very charming disposition taking in the beauty of the world that surrounds you. A Libra on the ascendent will love socializing, family gatherings, and special events. 

Style: As a Venus ruled sign the Libra Rising is typically very gorgeous and attractive. You easily find your style and are always right on trend. There is an overall effortless energy about you making you very approachable to others despite your model good looks. You love an excuse to get dressed up but at the same time look great in jeans and a t-shirt. 

Talents: As a Libra Rising you are very skilled in helping people work through relationships difficulties. You are a natural peacemaker and have a way of conveying challenging subject matter without upsetting people. You make a great painter, sculptor, or architect. With an eye for design and aesthetics you may find yourself working in interior decorating, organizing office spaces, or urban planning. You have a wide array of talents and anything you do with appear effortless and easy for you.

North Node in Pisces ♓︎ 

The North Node in Pisces in the natal chart symbolizes a soul urge towards finding greater meaning and understanding in life experiences. You are called to a path that will allow you to feel a sense of boundlessness and osmosis with the universe and others. 

With this placement you may have a tendency to be very particular about yourself, put a lot effort towards being perfect, or very self-disciplined. The North Node in Pisces is giving you an opportunity to relieve some of that pressure through spiritual experiences and broadening your sense of self. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in the sign of Virgo. This indicates that you may often find yourself in situations where you are searching for meaning in the everyday. You may be stuck in your routines and desiring a way out. 

This desire has you walking the fine line of addiction to unhealthy attachments along side the the profound urge for spiritual growth. When you allow your emotions to blend with emotions of the people around you there is a greater sense of connection with the vibration of the universe. The North Node in Pisces is on a mission to find healing within the framework of experiencing the collective unconscious.