Ascendent in Gemini (Gemini Rising), North Node (NN) in Aquarius

Gemini ♊︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Arms & Hands

Chart Ruling Planet: Mercury 

If you are a Gemini Ascendent or Rising sign then this was the sign on the horizon at the time your birth. The ascendent is the mask that you wear and what other people see first when meeting you. As a Gemini Rising you will be playful and outgoing even if the rest of your chart implies a shier disposition. You will certainly have a way with words!

Style: A Gemini Ascendent will give you a natural curiosity about the world and a youthful and casual appearance. You have the ability to fit in anywhere making your style very chameleon like. You desire to show the world that you are fun and easy going.

Talents: A Gemini Ascendent will be adept with languages and getting their point across accurately. You will love communication of all kinds through social media, in person, and when traveling. Something that comes very easily to you is meeting new people and making friends. People are instinctively interested in getting to know you more as you are ruled by the social planet Mercury. Some skills of the Gemini Rising include drawing, creating music, or other activities that include working with your hands such as typing, writing, or sign language.

North Node in Aquarius ♒︎

The North Node in Aquarius in the natal chart is symbolic of a soul urge to recognize the connection between all people. You are the friends and lovers of everyone. Individuals with this placement are learning to relate to people on a perusal level for who they truly are. You may find yourself in life situations where you need to make a conscious choice to join a group or cause. 

North Node in Aquarius individuals are learning to assess and analyze situations and not rely too much on gut instincts or selfish desires. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in the sign of Leo. This placement implies you have had past situations in which you prided yourself on being special or unique which clouded your perspective of others. You are now embracing the lesson that all people are complex, one of a kind individuals. 

As a North Node in Aquarius you are realizing how everyone’s uniques gifts and talents can bring the group together, strengthening society. This placement is very future minded. You are asked to bring your original ideas forward, to share with others, and leave behind the attachment to the need for recognition in the process.