Ascendent in Cancer (Cancer Rising), North Node (NN) in Aries

Cancer ♋︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Chest & Stomach 

Chart Ruling Planet: The Moon

A Cancer Ascendent or Rising sign in the natal chart will give you a very sensitive outer shell. You will wear your heart on your sleeve and others will always know how you are feeling. This sign on the ascendent will attract many people to you who need love and support based on the vibration of the energy you give off. You desire validation from the people in your life. There will be a tendency to search this out through intense relationships and romantic encounters. 

Style: Having Cancer on the ascendent may influence you to be a touchy feely person definitely the type to give out a lot of hugs and affection! You are ruled by the Moon and this definitely comes across in your style. You tend to wear pale or pastel colors, moonstone or silver jewelry, and have an overall sweetness to your appearance. You typically have a romantic and flowery style. 

Talents: As the Cancer archetype is an empathic energy you are also open to psychic information and high sensory perceptions. Your gifts and skills as a Cancer Rising may include a well developed sense of intuition, excellent acting skills, or healing abilities.

North Node in Aries ♈︎

Having the point of the North Node in Aries in your natal chart symbolizes the soul urge towards finding independence and courage. This aspect of a natal chart represents what your life purpose or soul urge is. With this placement you are learning to trust your instincts, learning to stand up for yourself, and learning to be your own person. 

The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in the sign of Libra. This would imply you may have tendencies to depend on others or always be searching for fulfillment through your relationships before finding fulfillment with yourself. You may feel like life has you in situations where you are searching for recognition for the person you are, not the people, groups, or partners you are with.

The individuals with the North Node in Aries is on a journey if self-discovery. You are learning how to pioneer your ideas and impulses based on your heart’s desires. You are finding out what is means to be spontaneous and embrace change. Many situations in life will confront you with these themes. The North Node in Aries’ soul urge is recognizing you can do this on your own.